Implementing Your Mission Statement

First a word about most church mission statements.

They’re beautifully word-smithed

They’re gorgeous

They’re suitable for framing.

But a mission statement that’s suitable for framing is rarely a mission statement that’s suitable for much of anything else.

A quick reminder that the founder of the church is the one who set its mission and that mission can be summed […]

A Quiet Mainline Rant

There are lots of things that frustrate church consultants. For me, at least lately, the biggest bang-my-head-against-a-wall issue is denominational distractions.

Let me give you a real-world example. Last summer, my denomination (Disciples of Christ) took a historical vote on who’s welcome on which side of the Lord’s Table. We’re not the first mainline denomination […]

The Irresistble Church

What caused you to write The Irresistible Church? What was the need?

People in America have been polled as being spiritual but not religious. This tells me that they are interested in God but not necessarily the church. The church was always designed to be the resplendence of God, a preview of heaven. However, the church is […]

The Effective Mission Statement

A mission statement is the rudder that points the ship in the direction it’s called to go, and therefore must be sure, strong, and clear so that there is no doubt by anyone where the ship is going. The purpose (mission) of the church is to make disciples. Each church must wrestle with its […]

Howard Snyder, Earth Currents

Snyder, HowardEarth Currents

(Abingdon Press) examines from a global perspective eight cultural trends that he believes will occur between 1990-2030. Chapters Five and Twelve are especially helpful for those concerned about environmental ministries. I give this book three stars.

Deep Change, Discovering the Leader Within by Robert E. Quinn

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw

Ultimately, deep change, whether at the personal or the organizational level, is a spiritual process….Contemplation is recommended to help us meet and overcome the challenges we face from our powerful defense mechanisms.  Confronting our defense mechanisms leads to a necessary examination of self.  To thwart our defense mechanisms and bypass slow death, […]

The Two Deadly Sins of Omission

There are two primary mistakes church leaders make that keep their church’s DNA* from being embedded/replicated in their congregation. Both are deadly, in terms of mission focus, alignment, and excitement, and both are equal in their devastating affects.

*(DNA = Mission, Values, Vision, Strategy, Beliefs, and Behaviors)

The first mistake can be summed up in two […]

Charles Van Engen, God’s Missionary People

Van Engen, Charles God’s Missionary People: Rethinking The Purpose of the Local

(Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Books, 2001) 223 pages, paperback, $16.99. Obtain from Baker Books, P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287.

Van Engen has hit a home run. His view of the relationship of the church to mission is clear and compelling. The author […]

Matthew Parties: A Small Group Growth Tip

The Matthew Party is one of the small group’s best multiplication tools. Matthew Parties are named for the party Matthew threw for his tax-collector friends on the evening he met Jesus. Matthew held this party so his friends could meet the Lord in a safe, hospitable setting (Mark 2:14–17). The Matthew Party at a […]