Be a Mentor and Be Mentored

The word “mentor” is defined as “a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.” Throughout my over 30 years of pastoral ministry, I have had many trusted teachers who have counseled me, encouraged me, corrected me and redirected when I had made some poor decisions. In similar fashion I have made it a point […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits Webinar: Chapter 02

This week’s webinar (Tuesday at 2 CDT) is covering Chapter 02: Addition or Multiplication? 

There’s a lot of confusion by a number of church leaders on the difference between being a Addition Church and a Multiplying Church … besides the obvious spelling difference! In this session, the Dynamic Duo will talk about those differences and why […]

An interview from one of Americas premier church planters

Bill Easum’s interview with Bob Roberts

Small Church Big Impact: An Interview with Kevin Cox

An interview with Kevin Cox of Vista Church by Bill Easum.

The Two Ministries that Grow Churches (Podcast)

[box title=”Jump Start To An Effective Church” box_color=”#ff33333″ title_color=”#000000″ radius=”5″] There are literally hundreds of things that can keep a church from growing. But if you want to ensure a bright future for your church, you want to reach young families. And if you’re going to reach young families, there are only two ministries that […]

The Two Ministries that Grow Churches (Podcast)

[box title=”Jump Start To An Effective Church” box_color=”#ff33333″ title_color=”#000000″ radius=”5″] There are literally hundreds of things that can keep a church from growing. But if you want to ensure your church’s future, you want to reach young families. And if you’re going to reach young families, there are only two ministries that virtually guarantee you […]

Podcast: Four Reasons Some Churches See First-Time Visitors Almost Every Week

By Bill Tenny-Brittian
Five-minute podcast


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