6 Ways to Safeguard Pastors

Pastors live in the midst of many people. But the secret is they are often lonely and depressed. Pastors suffer from a lack of friends.

Be honest, if you are a pastor, are you lonely? If you go to church, do you think your pastor may be lonely?

Not only is this an issue for the […]

Shaped By God’s Heart

by Milfred Minatrea

Minatrea has given us a ground level, insiders’ view of what many leaders today are calling the Missional Church – “a reproducing community of authentic disciples, being equipped as missionaries sent by God, to live and proclaim His Kingdom in the World.”  Drawing on numerous examples of some of the finest churches in the U.S., […]

Core Ministries

One of the emerging problems for those doing permission-giving and allowing ministries to bubble up from a decentralized approach is the fact that every church has some core or basic ministries that must go on no matter whether someone comes forward to do them or not.

This means that one of the roles of leadership […]

Linking to Worship


Linking to Worship

By: Paul Nickerson

Initiate a “hand-off” strategy that links an event to a worship service. For example, if a jazz concert is planned Friday night and the public is invited through advertising and personal invitation, at the concert it is announced that the same jazz group will be playing in worship that coming […]

Leadership: Burden or Blessing?

For the week of February 28, 2005

Leadership: Burden or Blessing?

By: John Laster

There is significant instability, lack of focus, and an absence of trust and joy in the majority of congregational leadership teams today.

Make an opportunity soon to examine perceptions of your team’s dynamics. It can take some time to lay the groundwork of trust […]

Democratic Rule

Democratic Rule

By: Bill Easum

Most of my ministry (a span of almost fifty years) has been accomplished within the framework of two denominations whose polity was some form of democratic rule. In other words, to get something done it had to be voted on either by the congregation or a group of elected representatives of […]

Leadership Pipeline 1

For the week of January 30, 2006

Leadership Pipeline 1

By: John Laster

What does your pool of emerging leaders look like? Do you ever experience frustration around the absence of men and women who are willing and capable of providing leadership in the various facets of congregational life? If new leaders are not bubbling to the […]

Sidewalk Sunday School

Utilizing a box truck converted to be a portable platform theater with complete sound system, our volunteers travel to consecutive sites in the inner city, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. This high energy weekly program includes music, drama, Bible object lessons and stories, games, prizes and promotions. Each exciting minute is packed […]

Ashkenas, Ron, The Boundaryless Organization

Jossey-Bass Publisher

This is an exceptional book that I would give five stars if my rating system went that high. It not only gives you the theory, it also gives you step-by-step examples of how to develop “permeable” structures without eliminating all of the hierarchy. Quite a trick.