The Forgotten Ways by Alan Hirsch

The book of the month is actually two books this month – The Shaping of Things To Come, Alan Hirsch and Micheal Frost, and The Forgotten Ways, Alan Hirsch.  These two books are on my shelf as two of the most important books of this decade.  Not that I agree with their premise, but […]

Is the Church of Yesterday Really the Church of Tomorrow?

Maybe it’s the circles I’m hanging with lately, but suddenly there’s a jump in the interest on house church. Bill Easum’s article in On Track (the 21st Century Strategies monthly E-zine) reviewed Frank Viola’s Reimagining the Church because of “the importance of the book.” And I agree, it’s an important book, just as Viola’s […]

Is VBS in Your Future?

It seems like every church campus I pass has a banner advertising their Vacation Bible School ministry. There are some new schedules I’m seeing this year … consecutive Saturdays, Sunday mornings, and one evening each week all summer.

Let me ask you a tough question: What is your goal for this year’s VBS?

No, not […]

Is that a Visitor? Are You Sure?

I suspect we’ve all done it. I’d spotted a new face in the crowd on Sunday morning and I made a beeline to them when the service was done. I introduced myself and asked the fatal question:

Are you visiting this morning?

The visitor’s eyes furrowed and her face flushed slightly, “I’ve been a member of […]

The Multiplying Church

By Bob Roberts

I’m not prone to using many superlatives when reviewing a book. But in the case of The Multiplying Church by Bob Roberts of Northwood Church. I reached into my bag of superlatives for one big enough to describe the importance of this book and I couldn’t find one.  I tried them all and they all […]

Children Not in Worship

I’ve long been an advocate for children and youth having their own worship service apart from the adults. It’s been one of the many things I’ve been chided for. But I just came across the best explanation of why one major church doesn’t allow children in the worship service and thought I would share […]

Ministry Is Distractions

I made a comment at a recent seminar that the only way pastors can reach the unreached is to get out of the office. Seemed to me like a no-brainer, but I repeatedly heard comments like, “Get out of the office and do what?!”

The answer is to “Get out of the office and get distracted!”

I […]

Greying in America

This month’s leadership tip is somewhat different. I received the following email this month. I thought my response to it might be worth sending to you as the tip of the month.

I just finished reading your article entitled “Reflecting on the Greying of America.” At the end of your article you say that you […]

DNA Accountability Part 5

For the week of May 02, 2005

DNA Accountability – Part 5

By: Tom Bandy

Churches need to move beyond discernment of DNA, to using DNA as a primary vehicle for accountability. There are five basic ways to do this. Here is the fifth:

Churches need to target the DNA to the specific micro-cultures in their primary mission […]