5 Steps to Becoming Spiritual Giants

How many spiritual giants do you have in your church?  Are you a spiritual giant?  Is there a process for becoming a spiritual giant?  What does a spiritual giant look like?

I do see a process for becoming a spiritual giant.  Call it sanctification if you like.  It is the joyous journey of our earthly […]

An Eye-Opening Thought

Why is it that churches will borrow money to build buildings, but they shudder at the thought of borrowing money to hire staff?  After all, staff are more important to discipling people than buildings are. Yet when I recommend to churches that, if they can’t afford to hire the staff they need, they should […]

Staff Management

They didn’t teach me management skills in seminary.  But I wish they had, because as the leader of a church I needed them badly and it’s a shame I had to learn them on my own.  So I thought I would pass on some pointers.

Point Number One:  If you can’t measure it, it will […]

Training Services

…Effective and Productive Staff The right staff in the right positions that are fully committed to mission alignment and vision fulfillment. A staff that leads by example and raises up…

Assimilation Tips

Win Arn put out a ratio book long ago, to effect of 1 of 5 first-time guests return on average.  Of those who come back a second time, 1 of 2 eventually stick

Our first impression is that churches who do assimilation best:

1. Respond within 24 hours to sign ins.
2. Have multiple entry points
3. Offer a […]

Why Church as Business So Often Fails

Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church’s – or the faith’s – reputation. Too often, spiritual seekers have turned in desperation to the church only to discover that it is embroiled in “business as […]

Five Markers of the Future Church

The vast majority of churches struggle to have a building full of worshipers.  Those who do seem to recognize one thing.  The church always has been and always will be about making disciples.  And we have a clear example of what that looks like from Acts 2: 43-47.  Let’s take a look at the […]

Empowering Your Staff

The importance of staffing a church isn’t taught in seminary. It should be, but it isn’t, and that’s a crime. Because once a church crosses 100 in worship, finding the right staff becomes one of the most important steps a pastor can take. I’m convinced that not knowing how to find and hire the right […]

More on Leadership

Following up on my last post, I want to consider further the importance of conviction for effective leadership. Consider this quote from Martin Luther: “Here I stand. I can do no otherwise. God help me.” Or what do you think allowed Nelson Mandela to give hope to the people from his confinement?  Or what […]