The 7-11 Jesus

During Advent, I’ve been reading James A. Harnish’s Advent Calendar of Devotions from Abingdon Press. One of the short passages sent my head reeling and my heart racing:

“Jesus was not born in Bethlehem to make the darkness more manageable.”

And yet, this is the very gospel we see presented in church after church after church. […]

So Tell Me

“So tell me, good sir,” as he asked the question, his face made it clear, he was brimming with skepticism about any credibility to the idea of serving, “Just how long does it take before those served respond to your message?”

I thought I understood what he was getting at, but just so the several […]

The Missional Church – The Comet That Killed the Dinosaurs, or a Knight in Shining Armor?

The 21st Century Strategies Advanced Leadership Forum recently posted this video. Take a moment to watch it below.

It sounds so simple.

But the question is, as always, “How?”

How do you get a church that’s mired in institutionalism, ordained clergy, invitational evangelism, and hobby-based Christianity, to suddenly head out the doors of the church building to do […]

Ten Ways to Life or Death

By: Jeff Patton

#1—EQUIP—Ephesians 4:11-12 is quite clear.  The role of the pastor is to equip the saints.  So equip, equip, equip.  Stop doing all the ministry.  Empower the people to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit by using their gifts, stretching their faith and witness God’s power in their midst’s.

#2—Do something to encourage […]

Bad Information for a Young Pastor

Jim was right out of seminary and into his third year as pastor of his first church. He had worked hard all three years, but the church didn’t grow. In fact, if anything, it was smaller than when he arrived. His frustration level was high.

I ran into Jim at a seminar I was doing […]

My Problem with Old People Even Though I Are One

Before you get mad, I am an old person. I’m 77, so I’m one of those old people I have a problem with (I Know, preposition in the wrong place. Get over it; it’s not 1950).

But here is my gripe with old people in church – they almost always come to church early and […]

Summer Priorities: Prayer Walking

Time spent “prayer walking” is well worthwhile during the summer. Target the immediate streets or neighborhoods, but also specific areas where church members tend to reside, or from which church visitors seem to come. The warmer weather not only makes it easy for you to walk, but the public moves their daily behavior outdoors. […]

Electronic Giving

A discussion came up on one of the various forums I monitor.  The question was “How do you feel about kiosks for giving?”  My response was this: “Electronic giving is to worship today is like visuals were to worship in the 80s. If you don’t do it, you’ll be left in the dust.”

The younger the […]

The Rule of One

The other day I had an inquiry from a pastor I am coaching. Her question was “You said we need to move our 8:30 contemporary service to 9:45 because it is too early to reach young adults. But we have one family who refuses to move. What should we do?”

The Rule of One answers […]