Why Your Church Mission Statement Isn’t Effective

A mission statement defines the purpose of an individual, group, business, or institution. Ostensibly, a mission statement defines the “end result” of the organization’s activities. “Shareholder profitability” may sound self-serving, but that is exactly the results expected of a publicly held corporation.

The reason so many churches’ mission statements don’t achieve the expected results is […]

The Missional Church’s Mission

The other day I wrote a blog on preaching memorable, life changing sermons that drew a slew of controversy. It wasn’t about the preaching that was at odds, but a passing statement I made on my way to teaching how to make a sermon life changing. That statement was this:

One might have thought I’d […]

Turning Hope into Belief

The mind is a funny thing; If the mind believes something to be true, the more likely it is that something will happen. Let me illustrate

I play golf. And there are times I know I can make every putt I’m about to take. And I do. Then there are days I know I couldn’t […]

Creating an Equipping Culture

Accountability needs to be built into the performance evaluation process for all staff. This one is for those churches wanting to create a culture of equipping or disciple making.  Try using this scoring system to evaluate your ministry and your staff’s ministry.

Rate each statement on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree).


Frustrations of a Church Consultant

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Over the past several weeks I’ve been hither and yon across the country training church leaders in evangelism and church transformation. One would think with the way things are that leaders would be ready to hear what’s working. But by and large, that’s not the case. And the […]

DNA and Bedrock Beliefs

Those who’ve read any of my church renewal/small group books or who are familiar with my work with Easum, Bandy & Tenny-Brittian know that when I speak about DNA, I mean the six strands that answer the question “Who is this congregation?” A congregation’s DNA can be found in every part of the local […]

Churches That Don’t Want to Grow

Okay, over the years I’ve visited a LOT of churches. Lots of them. And I can’t help it, but when I visit, my consultant hat is always part of my couture. Normally this doesn’t cause me a lot of consternation … sadly, my expectations for most churches is pretty low. My hopes are high, […]

A Church for Every Pastor … and a Pastor for Every Church

I’ve been working with churches and pastors now for more than two decades. During that time I’ve come to know a lot of churches and a lot of pastors. Recently, though, I’ve come to the conclusion that when a church is “looking” to call a pastor, or if a judicatory is looking for a […]

Into and Out Of “The Deeps”

Into and Out of the “Deeps”

Ever hit bottom with nowhere to go? If you’re trying to change the world and live long enough sooner or later you will hit bottom. And it won’t feel good.

Almost every exceptionally effective pastor I know will tell you his or her story of hitting bottom.  Some describe it as […]