A Great Preaching Text for Doubling First-Time Guests


I know some of you have purchased our “I Love My Church Day” program designed to double the number of first-time visitors and then retain 50% of them.  So I wanted to share this preaching idea with you.

One of the great texts to use the Sunday before you conclude the program and ask your […]

For Long-Tenured Pastors

Anyone who has stayed at a growing church for more than 15 years knows that several things are inevitable.

Sooner or later you will hit burnout. I did my 10th year. It was so severe that I told my board I wanted to quit. Instead they sent me off for a three-month sabbatical. It […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part VI

Payday loans

Over the past week we have examined the major church movements underway today – Emergent, Incarnational, Organic, Reproductive, and Sim Card.  You may be asking “Why didn’t you mention the “Missional Movement?” One simple reason – I believe every true church, no matter what movement it is a part of, has to be missional or […]

Top Book of the Year

I just finished what I consider to be the top book I’ve read so far this year and one that I feel will become a classic in the missional movement: Reggie McNeal’s Missional Communities.  The book both explains the movement and gives examples of actual places where the movement is succeeding. This is a […]

Hijacked by Modernity, Democracy, and Robert’s Rules of Order

What ever happened to the guidance of the Holy Spirit when it comes to making decisions in the church? Do we really believe that voting on something is the way to go?  Shouldn’t we be trying to discern God’s will rather than the will of the congregation? Are academic credentials really more important than […]

Pastoral Care is Out the Window

It’s finally happening. A large percentage of highly effective pastors are dropping pastoral care from their agenda. Instead they are focusing on being the spiritual leader who sets the culture of the congregation and mentors the core leaders.

Does this mean that pastoral care doesn’t happen? Certainly not. But it does mean the traditional way […]

Three Fatal Staffing Mistakes

There aren’t many mistakes staff can make that are cause for immediate termination. However, when I was a pastor and we had a staff of 68 people, there are three mistakes, that no matter what the circumstance, that would cause me to fire the staff person without any conversation other than, “you’re fired!”

Here are those three reasons:

A serious […]

5 Ways to Share the Gospel in a Crazy World

We live in a world that is torn apart by discord between nations, between political parties, between and within churches, within families…  As a follower of Jesus, I look to find how God wants me to speak to and live in the world.  I submit five ways for you to consider as you seek […]

God is a Baseball Fan

Although I have played many sports throughout my lifetime, baseball has always held my heart. It all started when as a young boy I would watch my hometown Chicago Cubs each Spring and Summer afternoon on WGN T.V. That love of the game continues to this day.

Baseball has long been known as America’s national […]