Stewardship in the Christmas Spirit

Bill Easum

I remember as a child seeing the large red Santa standing by the large black kettle. Santa rang a bell, inviting people to throw money into the big pot. I didn’t know anything about the Salvation Army then. I had never been to church except on one or two Easters. So I always […]

Measuring Results in Worship (Part 2 of 4)

The best way to start evaluating worship is to focus the mission goal of worship. Growing churches diversify worship options, not by style or time of day, but my mission purpose. Is it healing worship? Coaching worship? Educational worship? Transformational worship? Care giving worship? Inspirational worship? Mission connectional worship?

Sometimes you can measure life changes […]

Removing Barriers

One of the key roles a Christian leader plays is removing any barriers that keep emerging leaders and new Christians from reaching their potential and the church from fulfilling the Great Commission. One way to do this is through prayer. Another is removing controllers from power. A third is to provide a variety of […]

Trying to Break the 1,000 Barrier?

More and more churches are asking me how to break the barrier of 1,000 in worship. At present, I’m coaching 14 such churches.  Here are a handful of the basic questions I ask the pastor to consider.

Have you indentified your three or four key staff who will become the coaches of leaders?
What systems do […]

Your Church Numbers Count

I had a conversation recently with a small group of mainline pastors and the conversation naturally turned to church transformation and church growth. When I asked how they measured whether their churches were growing, plateauing, or declining I started getting the typical excuses and defensive posturing I so often hear.

“Numbers aren’t important.”“Numbers don’t really […]

When Protesting Doesn’t Work

The other day I received a note about the church’s response to the current injustices. The writer shared how he was organizing his church to publicly question police tactics, to be actively involved in legislating change, and to rally in protest. And then he posed what he thought was a politically charged question, thinking […]

Confronting the Church’s Fog Horns

I received a question from a recent seminar participant that was buried in one of the comments. I started to answer it there, but when I finished I realized it was way too long to be just a comment … so I repost it here.

The question was “So, how does one confront the “Fog […]

Nelson and Appel, How to Change Your Church

Nelson, Alan and Gene AppelHow To Change Your Church

(Nashville, TN; Word Publishing, 2000) 353 pages, hardback, $21.99. Obtain from Word Publishing, P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, TN.

The authors have provided a valuable tool for church leaders taking their congregations through significant change. The book is a survey of some of the classic material on change, […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part V

By now you know I resonate with all of these movements in one way or another, but my heart lies with the Reproductive Movement. So I am happy to know that for the first time in many years more churches are being planted than are being closed.

The Sim Card Movement

The Sim Card movement is […]