How We Help Churches
- Answers to the toughest questions
- Over 35 years consulting experience with hundreds of churches, thousands of church leaders
- Encouragement in perplexing times
- 24-7-365 coaching and training resources and services
- Solutions to break through the daunting obstacles
- Customized comprehensive consultations – no cookie-cutter agendas
- Tools for every situation
- Literally thousands of church growth and leadership resources – most of them free
Here’s how we grow churches . . .
Your Partner In Ministry
Whatever you’re facing – staff changes, space restrictions, attendance decline, aging members, conflict, outreach issues, time management, low church esteem – we’ve been there and done that. We’ll be there for you, too.
Our History
The Effective Church Group has been working with churches in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand for over three decades. Founded by Bill Easum in the 1980s, the Group has expanded with noted experts with hands-on experience in growing churches and coaching leaders to reach their potential. We’ve worked with churches from over 60 denominations including Non-Denominationals, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Disciples, Lutherans, American Baptist, Episcopalian, Seventh-day Adventists, and many more.
Our Blog
Preach For Life Change Preach for Transformation
I suspect that exegetically and homiletically, the sermon would be considered a winner. The biblical text was put into its historical context for the audience, Greek roots were exposed and explained, and there were […]
Online Church Fundraising: 5 Best Practices To Follow
Churches like yours depend on donations from congregation members to not only make their operations possible but also grow the church and its impact on the community. Seeing as 63 percent of donors prefer […]
Are You Making These Five Hospitality Mistakes?
They had a problem. A BIG problem.
More than nine out of ten first-time visitors who walked through the door never returned. It was like their visitors walked in, took a quick look around, and maybe […]
How to Create a Budget for Your Church: 4 Best Practices
As a church leader, you know how important it is for your church to effectively steward its resources. After all, you can only serve the community and engage your congregation if you have the […]
Your Church Numbers Count
I had a conversation recently with a small group of mainline pastors and the conversation naturally turned to church transformation and church growth. When I asked how they measured whether their churches were growing, […]
Building the Disciple-Driven Church
It seems that in most churches today, the leaders are drowning in tasks and responsibilities. This gets in the way of building a Disciple-Driven Church. For instance, The stewardship chair is preoccupied with budgets, […]