Something Worth Saying

It’s a rainy and stormy Saturday morning here in Columbia, Missouri. It’s Hurricane Ike weekend, so I have nothing to complain about. I’m relatively cool (though humidity sux), I have power, and my home is dry. As I write this, it’s too early to gauge the devastation of Galveston and Houston, but it isn’t […]

Asking Advice? Lookin’ Good!

We don’t normally do this, but since the Harvard Business Review “Daily Stat” blog has been broken for over three months, instead of just posting a link, we’re reproducing a GREAT mini-post here.
Asking for Advice Makes You Seem More Competent

Most people assume that asking for advice will make others think poorly of them. But […]

Start the Conversation Right

I was asked recently, “How do I start a conversation with an unchurched person? Should I just ask about their church home or whether or not they go to church?”

Let’s think about this. If you ask an unchurched person whether or not they go to church, you’re effectively cutting off further conversation because their […]

More on Untamed

I wish Untamed had been Alan Hirsch’s first book. It would have eliminated some of people’s misunderstanding of his message – namely, the question of whether he believes at all in the institutional church. After reading this book, there is no doubt – he does believe in the institutional church, just not the way most institutional churches live […]

Learnings from My Coaching

Coaching is on the rise. I’m currently coaching 23 pastors in taking their churches to the next level.  A couple are trying to break the 200-in-worship barrier; two or three are trying to break the 1,000 barrier; and a bunch are trying to break the 500 barrier.  In the last three years I’ve experienced a huge increase […]

Jesus Manifesto, by Sweet and Viola

This book could become one of the all time devotional classics rivaling The Imitation of Christ. The authors take our devotion and application beyond imitation to implantation and impartation.

For a long time I’ve taught there are only two critical questions facing humankind:

What is it about my relationship to Christ that my neighbor needs to […]

Politics and the Church

I was recently teaching a Church Leadership class at Phillips Theological Seminary and a student mentioned the need for the church to be proactive in political issues because Jesus was. I got a bit confused by that comment.

I’m not sure which political issues Jesus confronted. There is no question that he confronted the religious […]


By Kris Tenny-Brittian

Most of us are aware of how important it is to know CPR—Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation—for the saving of a life. However, not enough of us know, let alone practice, another form of CPR that is just as important and life-giving.

In this case, CPR stand for conceive, perceive, and receive and represents three […]

The Second Core Spiritual Habit: Listening Prayer

Those who read my previous post may have been surprised that I suggested scripture reading may be the most transformative spiritual habit. I’m sure there are those who would argue that prayer offers more opportunities for the Spirit’s injection into our lives. However, so long as the average prayer is a monologue, it’s unlikely […]