Four Key Strategies That Will Grow Your Church

Growing a church isn’t about finding a magic bullet or the latest trendy program. It’s about focusing on what truly matters. After decades of working with churches across the nation, I’ve found that sustainable church growth boils down to four core processes: Invite, Connect, Disciple, and Send. Bill Easum and I wrote about these […]

Implementing Your Mission Statement

First a word about most church mission statements.

They’re beautifully word-smithed

They’re gorgeous

They’re suitable for framing.

But a mission statement that’s suitable for framing is rarely a mission statement that’s suitable for much of anything else.

A quick reminder that the founder of the church is the one who set its mission and that mission can be summed […]

Discerning and Developing Core Values

Over the years, there has been a good bit of conversation amongst church leaders, consultants, and coaches about congregational values – as in, every church needs to identify their core values. All that’s fine and good, but far too often I’ve come upon churches that spout their values as if they’re water springing from […]

Five and a Half Secrets to Getting Out of the Office

There’s an old saying that goes, “Pastor, you can’t be faithful to the Great Commission if you’re stuck inside your office” (okay, so it’s not that old of a saying). But the truth is there nonetheless. We’ve found that pastors of turnaround churches (and larger, growing churches as well) spend less time in their office and more […]

The Great Sunday Morning Juggle: Keeping Hymns and Hipsters Happy

The Sunday morning worship service – it’s a cornerstone of church life, yet it’s a real juggling act. Trying to keep a multigenerational congregation engaged is no small feat. It’s like preparing a banquet for a room full of people, each with their own unique tastes and dietary restrictions. So, how do we create […]

Grow Your Church with Invite-Able Events: A Guide for Stuck Pastors

Feeling stuck in church growth or revitalization efforts is a common struggle for many pastors. If you’re managing members, administrative tasks, and longing to shift your focus towards transforming lives and communities, this guide is for you. Let’s help you to grow your church with invite-able events.

Understanding Invite-Able Events

Invite-able events are designed to […]

Why Leadership, Not Calling, Determines Ministry Success

Once upon a time, I was a young, optimistic student pastor appointed to a small Methodist church in Hinson’s Crossroads, Florida. The church, nestled at the end of a paved road that gave way to a winding red clay path, had just 38 members. Despite being told that growth was unlikely, I rolled up […]

It’s Not A Fairytale … You Can Grow a Church In Today’s Culture

In today’s rapidly changing world, most churches are struggling to maintain and grow their congregations. The challenges are numerous – from declining attendance and disengagement to the distractions of modern life. However, there are some strategies that can help churches thrive and transform lives in their communities. It’s not make-believe. It’s not a fairy […]

If You Have a Blurry Vision, You Have a Bleak Future

You’ve heard me say it before. If you’ve got to herd cats, you’ll need a bigger mouse.

Your church cats will chase the biggest mouse in the room, and if your Big Mouse Vision is smaller than someone else’s, you’ll lose their attention every time. The wise and successful pastor stays on his/her knees until […]