Flip Your Church Step 1: Model Thought, Word, Deed

This post is a continuation of “The Missional Church: The Comet That Killed the Dinosaurs or a Knight in Shining Armor?”

“Everything rises or falls on leadership.” John Maxwell wasn’t the first one to intimate it, but he made the statement famous in this generation. In the fairly recent past, leadership was considered more of a […]

Myth in Congregational Spirituality


Myth in Congregational Spirituality

Beyond the Ordinary: Spirituality for Church Leaders, Ben C Johnson & Andrew Dreitcer

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw

“If a leader is to be effective in developing a spiritual congregation, he or she must first learn about the myth that has given shape to that particular church…. Answers to the following questions will provide […]

Hospitality Is the Key

These are four of the most important questions you and your staff should be asking when it comes to visitor retention.

What happens when a new person visits your church? Are they greeted in the parking lot, at the door, and at the information desk?
What happens with the new person the week after […]

The Fourth Core Spiritual Habit: Kindnesses Done in Jesus’ Name

With the fourth core spiritual habit, we’ve reached a significant shift. Up until now the spiritual habits have focused either on our relationship with God or our relationship with the church. In other words, the first three core spiritual habits are inward focused. The fourth habit, though, takes Jesus’ command to love our neighbors […]

The Importance of Measuring Results

“So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12

I’ve long been a proponent of measuring results. I believe if you don’t measure the results of something the odds are you’re not going to be as successful as you would be if you kept stats on what your […]

Creating Culture in a Digital Age

Len Wilson & Jason Moore

The following was the opening post in one of our online coaching seminars.

Creating Worship For a Digital Age, Wilson and Moore

Recommended reading:
1. Wilson, Len and Jason Moore. Digital Storytellers; The Art of Communicating the Gospel in Worship. Nashville: Abingdon, 2002.
2. Wilson, Len. The Wired Church: Making Media Ministry. Nashville: Abingdon, […]

5 Steps to a Spirit-Driven Church

Is your church the way you want it?  Be honest.  Is your congregation the way you believe God wants it?  Be honest.

I believe the answer to those questions is often “no.”  And I’m sorry for you.  Most church leaders work very hard and are committed to Jesus.  Most church members really want the congregation […]

Put an End to Zombie Ministries

No, I’m not talking about pulling your support from zombie runs (though hopefully you have better things to do with your church’s resources). I’m talking about those ministries that probably got started years and years ago but have failed to bear sufficient fruit (but that keep on going and going and going anyway).

The […]

Reader Question

Sometimes we get questions from our Contact Us page. When we do, we try to answer the query. Sometimes, the question is broad enough that it warrants a blog post of its own. Such is the case with this query …

“I read your target audience post and it made sense to me. Given our […]