Lead Like an Old English Sheepdog

For years I’ve asked my coaching clients, “What’s your hobby?” (because, Church Leaders – including you minister-types – it’s critical we have at least one hobby). It’s been said, though, that “those who can’t do teach,” and so I was caught a bit off-guard when a cohort of ministers I was coaching turned the question back on me, […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 01 Introduction

When I looked into pursuing a doctorate, I was intrigued with two things in my life:

Church Planting, and

Church Multiplication.

Globally, I realized, Christianity was doing very well. But in the West, and in particular in North America, it was struggling. Badly.

And so I signed up with the Northwest Graduate School in Seattle (now Bakke Graduate […]

People Get Ready … (Crystal Lewis)

What happens when you leave your journal at home? You end up journaling on your blog instead. So, this post is a bit different than the norm. Still, it’s another side of who I am.

Reading in Luke 12 this morning, following the Moravian Daily Texts (my ethnicity is traced back to the Moravians, which […]

Will You Be a Church Without Walls?

Increasingly, congregations are returning to their church buildings. Just how long that will last is yet to be seen, but increasingly, church leaders have felt and succumbed to the pressure to return to “in person” worship. With giving at historic low levels, we can’t hardly blame them for the return. However, it seems, that […]


by Dave and Jon Ferguson

This book is chock full of information and not just for church planters or people interested in forming a church planting movement.  It not only not only tells the story of Christian Community Church and the pilgrimage of Troy McMahon from member to staff member to campus pastor to church […]

Too Much Time in Meetings?

Too Much Time in Meetings?By: John Laster
It is not unusual to find Leadership Teams who eat up hours every month in meetings. Some teams even meet weekly, sometimes for several hours each week. Unless you are meeting weekly for several hours of prayer, you may have some “time-fat” you can trim from your leadership […]

Does Your Church Really Care?

Perhaps you’re wondering why some churches grow and others do not. The more I consult and coach the more I realize that the answer isn’t so much what churches do. It’s why churches do what they do. Churches grow because they have a deep-seated love for people who don’t know Jesus. And that kind […]

Anatomy of a Poison Pen Letter

Every effective pastor gets a poison pen letter at least once during their careers. They’re never nice to get and they can cause a lot of anxiety and self-doubt. Frankly, they can send an otherwise well-adjusted, healthy pastor into a tailspin. They shouldn’t, but shouldn’t doesn’t cut it in the real world.

When one of […]

Understanding the Role of Your Pastor

The “golden years” of the church, for many key leaders in churches across the US, were the 1950s. Back then “everyone” went to church – and if someone didn’t go to church, they knew they should! Back then, the pastor didn’t get caught up with trying to reach one generation or another. Everyone “liked” […]