Extraordinary Leaders in Extraordinary Times Vol. I

H. Stanley Woods (ed)
Errdmans 2006

One of the best books on leadership I’ve seen.  Although it is the book is an analysis of the responses of 700 church planters to a given survey, the conclusions can be used by any pastor in any situation. The book compares the responses of founding pastors who efforts resulted […]

On the Road Experiences

Today I’m beginning the last leg of three weeks on the road. It’s been an interesting journey that almost transcends history.

It began almost three weeks ago at the 2009 TYPO3 Conference in Dallas. There, we talked about and learned more about internet ministry, particularly using a Content Management System to create websites that don’t […]

Mission Statements

For the week of January 03, 2005

Mission Statements

By: Tom Bandy

Biblical visions are revealed, never created. That principle is forgotten so often! Churches accommodate to the corporate culture around them by assuming vision to be a function of strategic planning. Instead, vision is a function of adult faith formation … an extension of spiritual growth. […]

Long Pastoral Tenures Are Best


History has shown that long-term pastoral tenures are better than short-term tenures because they produce more effective churches. By long-term we mean 20+ years. Yet the average pastoral tenure is only between four and five years. So what needs to happen so that we have more long-term tenures of over 20+ years?
Bloom Where You’re […]

People Get Ready … (Crystal Lewis)

What happens when you leave your journal at home? You end up journaling on your blog instead. So, this post is a bit different than the norm. Still, it’s another side of who I am.

Reading in Luke 12 this morning, following the Moravian Daily Texts (my ethnicity is traced back to the Moravians, which […]

Six Steps to the Best Christmas Eve Ever

Christmas Eve is the one time in our culture where people are still somewhat likely to consider going to church when that is not the norm for them.  So good preparation and prayer are essential for this prime moment.

I am writing this at the end of October.  By now you should have a good […]



By: Tom Bandy

As I write this, it is almost April, and another tax deadline looms. People over 45 are scrambling to get their tax receipts from the church, so they can apply for a deduction. But people under 45 are calculating their tax refund and wondering how a faithful Christian might spend a portion […]

Slow… Steady… Strategic

[featured-img]One of the problems with high-functioning ministers is that our energy tends to always function quite highly, even to the point of dysfunction at times. Many of us score a high “P” on the Myers-Briggs Inventory (which, by the way stands for PANTS, as in fly-by-the-seat-of), so orderly doesn’t tend to be either in […]

Does Your Church Embrace Systemic Mediocrity?

I was having a conversation with a church’s staff members the other day and mentioned that the six words church leaders should dread are, “That won’t happen again, will it?” As in, if that continues then we’re going to have to make a change by getting someone who will ensure “that” doesn’t happen again.

Related: […]