Are You Ready to Go Multi-site?

Here are a few questions you should be able to answer affirmatively before going multi-site.

1. Is my church growing a minimum of 5% per year?
2. Is my church 80% full at the main service?
3. Is my community 50% unchurched or more?
4. Does my church have a good reputation in the community?
5. Does my church want […]

Why Are so Many Churches Mean-Spirited?

A pastor I’m coaching asked me “Why are there so many dysfunctional, mean-spirited people in the church?” His question is well founded. There are more dysfunctional churches in the U.S. than there are healthy churches. I would guess the percentage of unhealthy churches approaches 60% of all churches. And the smaller the church is, […]

Thoughts on the Way Forward for UMC

The United Methodist Church is on the verge of schism. No one wants to call it that, but that’s the direction we’re going. At the moment, three “ways forward” are being presented. Option One is essentially to stay the course and hold those accountable who do not follow the constitution. Option Two, rewrites the […]

Staff Configuration

I’m on my way to a Vineyard church in the Northeast. They are bringing me in to help them reconfigure their staff for the growth they are anticipating. Presently they are growing and opening new campuses in the area, so the stress on staff is growing also.

I will meet with each staff person and […]

4 Steps from Church Spectator to Disciple Maker

Why do people resist church so much?  Yes, those who are a part of church need to be concerned with the valid aspects of the critique that religious people are hypocrites and out-of-touch with the intersection of faith and daily life.  But there is a significant underlying reason.  Our culture believes that most everyone […]

Has the World Gone Mad – A Rant

Yesterday Social Security recipients learned that for the first time in history Social Security recipients will not be getting a cost of living wage increase (COLA).  Well, that sucks. And if that was not enough in the same notice they learned that their charges for Medicare part B would be going up.

At the same time, we continue to hear about […]

Coaching Christ’s Winning Team

As we bid farewell to the Super Bowl (and hello to the XFL!) I am reminded that leading a church is very much like coaching a football team. The playing fields may be different, but you’ll find some things in common between playing in a football game and helping your people succeed in the […]

Disciple Making = Church Growth?

Recently a troll caught one of our posts about radical disciple making and took it out for an attempted thrashing. To be honest, I get amused when someone takes us to task because we’re so focused on church growth. “It’s all about the numbers for you guys” as if that’s some sort of an […]

A Rush of Great Books

Sometimes I go several months before running into what I consider to be “great books.” Then out of the blue, several such books will fill my “to read” pile. I thought I would share a few of the books I read this month that I consider to be great books.

Untamed, by Alan and Deb […]