Breaking Through Barriers

Jackie Robinson Day is a traditional event which occurs annually in Major League Baseball, commemorating and honoring the day Jackie Robinson made his major league debut. April 15 was Opening Day in 1947, Robinson’s first season in the Major Leagues. Initiated for the first time on April 15, 2004, Jackie Robinson Day honors Robinson’s […]

Effective Bible Teaching

Recently, I spent some time with Chad and Leslie, a missionary couple, who have served in both India and China. In both of these nations, the House Church Movement is rocking the communities wherever a House Church is planted. I was curious why the House Church is doing so well there, but is only […]

Inside Information

Over the years, when I’ve sat in interviews (on both sides of the table) I’ve heard the ever-popular question “What would you say are your main strengths and what are your weaknesses?” many times. I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that most readers will have had to answer that question […]

Mentoring Questions

There are five key questions pastors should ask of their board members and ministry area leaders. Staff and team leaders should ask these same questions of volunteers.

 Am I in it for mission or philanthropy?
 Am I in it for gospel or theology?
 Am I in it for joy or duty?
 Am I in […]

Easter Sunday Follow-Up Full Court Press

In most churches, Easter is their High Attendance Sunday – and, in spite of the March Madness games that will be played that weekend, there will still be plenty of Christian Alumnus showing up for services. 

A church full of visitors should be a premonition for every church’s future growth, but sadly, most churches will […]

Tip One: Take a Close Look at Your Leadership System

There are two components making up the “leadership system” in most congregations: the board and the operational management team.  This cohort is the formal leadership group, or groups, that execute the two core elements of leadership:

1.) They discern the spiritual and missional destinations and/or establish boundaries within the congregation.  Frequently this leadership element will […]

Got Effective Members?

We live in a culture where church membership is a moving target. Those considering the move from guest to member may join the church for any number of reasons. Before joining any church, there are some questions a prospective member needs to ask (and answer). For instance, it’s important they feel comfortable with and […]

Sample Church Board Meeting Agenda

Every so often we get asked, “What would an effective board [or council or session or vestry] meeting look like?”

As you look at the agenda, remember that a board’s top priority is to hold the pastor accountable for mission alignment and vision achievement. It is NOT a board’s job to manage anything. However, for the […]

Keys to Moving from 900 to 2,000 in Worship

Less is best when answering the question -What are the keys to growing a church from 900 to 2,000 in worship.

The key question is, what would I have to start or stop doing if our church were twice its size?  All staff must be constantly asking this question?
Hiring and Management of staff- […]