Describing What’s Happening Today

I had a conversation today with a lady in an Ontario bookstore where they were doing a book signing for some of my books.  We were talking about a couple of new books that I had recommended: And: The Gathered and Scattered Church and Exponential, neither of which are on yet. She said, I guess […]

Tom Hohstadt, Dying to Live

Hohstadt, ThomasDying to Live: The 21st Century Church

( Damah Media, Odessa, TX, 1999) 199 pages, paperback, $10.99 Obtain from Damah Media, 3522 Maple, Odessa, Tx 79762.

Thomas Hohstadt is one of the new digital prophets pointing the way into the future. Hohstad offers us a fascinating and easy read about a difficult subject – the […]

Choose Wisely in the Game of LIFE

Do you remember the Milton Bradley board game from the 1960’s called “The Game of LIFE?”  At the beginning of the game as you turn the distinctive spinner you are confronted with two choices. You must choose to either go directly into business or go to college. For some reason as a kid playing […]

How Vile Are You Willing To Be?

I became a Methodist because I read John Wesley during one of my desert periods. As a result I decided to join the United Methodist Church.  But over the years I’ve learned that United Methodists aren’t very Methodist, at least not by Wesley’s standards. We aren’t vile enough. Let me explain.

When Whitefield invited Wesley […]

An Inside Look at What’s Killing the Average Church

I just finished watching an episode of the new TV show Public Morals. The show is about the gangster world of the 1960’s in New York and how all the cops were on the take. Before saying any more, I want to quickly add that I don’t recommend this show to anyone. But I […]

An Either/Or World

For the week of July 10, 2006

An Either/Or World

By: Bill Easum

Numerous books have been written lately on the emerging church. Many of these books are excellent in their content and analysis of the culture. Three of these books stand out from the rest – The Shaping of Things to Come, Revolution, and The Organic […]

10 Things to Do to Lead a Turnaround

I was recently asked what advice I’d give to a pastor getting ready to start a new transformation effort in a small church that’s been in decline for years. Here are the top 10 things I recommended.

Hand off everything you possibly can. Hand off regular hospital visitation, shut-in visitation, member care, etc. Instead, […]

When Will You Hip Hop?

Do you remember the fight your church had when you added a drum kit to the sanctuary’s platform?

Well, that’s nothing compared to what’s coming.

Maybe you haven’t heard the news: As of 2019, Hip Hop is the number one selling music genre in the US … it surpassed rock-n-roll rather handily.

So, when will you […]

Two More Weeks!

By Jeff Patton

I heard it again today.  Dramatic turnaround in congregations occurs about two weeks after you have decided to throw in the towel.  Two weeks.  Two weeks.

I remember years ago when that was true for me.  I was stymied by the controllers who were hindering every new project, each new idea being ground […]