Ancient Role Models – Learning from Those Who Didn’t Get It Right… At First

Acts 1:8. You probably know the passage by heart: “You will be my witnesses from Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Those words were spoken to the apostles just before Jesus left them in charge.

And of course, we know the rest of the story, don’t we? […]

Thoughts on Innovation

The following is a personal story that sheds light on innovation.

Way back in 1982 (I know, ancient history) a member of my church staff decided to bring a dozen Apple 2e’s into the Sunday School and start writing curriculum for Bible studies. I was impressed by how quickly the kids took to the new […]

The Future is Here

Recently, on Bloomberg TV, The Titans featured Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg. Bloomberg said something that all churches should ponder for a week. He said, “Technology will advance more in the next couple of years than it has since the discovery of the light bulb.”  Now give that some thought.  What does it mean to […]

Easum, William M.The Complete Ministry Audit

(Abingdon Press, 1996)160 pages, plus bonus Spreadsheet Disk, $29.95, Paperback. Obtain thru Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN 800-251-3320 or thru 21st Century Strategies, 361/749-5364.

This is one of the most complete tools a church leader can use to see where the church has been the past ten years, see where the church is this year, and […]

How Things Have Changed- Again

By Bill Easum

When I first started preaching some 51 years ago, going to church was never considered to be anywhere near fun. The hard pews attested to that. Yes, back then, in the dark ages, it was a rare site to see padded pews; after all that would make them more comfortable and everyone […]

Vision Threats

Casting a vision that produces an effective culture is one of the most important things a pastor can do because culture trumps everything. An unhealthy culture results in an unhealthy church. So I want to think a moment about the threats that keep vision from creating a healthy culture.

Lets start with the current reality. […]

The Summer Express: What I’ve Learned from Locomotion

It’s always bothered me to spend months busting my backside to get an effective ministry launched in September/October only to have it roll to a virtual stop by mid-June. Sure, there are lots of excuses for the “summer slump,” but it turns out that most of these slumps happen because churches don’t just get […]

Next Steps?

Carol joined the church a month ago. She’d been attending worship for several weeks and liked what she heard and what she experienced. She’d even made a new friend or two. Joining the church seemed like a good thing to do.

But that was last month. Carol still liked worship, but she was a […]

Peer Coaching

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

There’s a new “craze” in the world of church leadership development called “Peer Coaching.” Although peer coaching isn’t really “new,” there’s been renewed interest in it because of the inability of most church leaders to transform their stagnant or dying congregations. The hope is if they throw a dozen local church leaders together […]