Volunteer Removal – Part 2

There’s a lot written about how to fire up volunteers, but not a lot written about how to fire them when they’ve not quite lived up to their commitments. Of course the best way to ensure the ministry gets done is to place the right people in the right positions in the first place. […]

Howard Snyder, Earth Currents

Snyder, HowardEarth Currents

(Abingdon Press) examines from a global perspective eight cultural trends that he believes will occur between 1990-2030. Chapters Five and Twelve are especially helpful for those concerned about environmental ministries. I give this book three stars.

Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Lencioni, PatrickThe Five Dysfunctions of a Team – A Leadership Fable

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – A Leadership Fable, by Patrick Lencioni (San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Company, 2002) 229 pages, hardback, $22.00. (Obtain from Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Company, 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741

The author zeroes in on the absolute […]

Living with and Ministering to a Stroke Victim

I’m sure some of my acquaintances will tell me I shouldn’t have written this article. They may be right but I feel compelled to share it because it might help someone.  Isn’t that what Christians are supposed to do? I want to help anyone who has a relationship with a spouse who has had a […]

Cousins, Don, Experiencing Leadership

Experiencing LeaderShift is for the 92% of pastors who score low on the gift of leadership. You read that correctly-92% of all pastors don’t have the gift of leadership as their primary gift. So how does one lead a church without a strong gift of leadership?

LeaderShift by Don Cousins is the answer. He takes […]

Sider, Olson, and Rolland, Churches That Make a Difference

Sider, Ronald J. Philip N. Olson and Heidi RollandChurches That Make A Difference

(Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Books, 2002) 334 pages, paperback, $19.99. Obtain from Baker Books, P.O. 6287, Grand Rapids, MI, 49516-6287.

The authors have provided us with one of the most thoughtful and practical books on holistic ministry written in this century. By holistic […]

The Power of Trust

By Bill Easum

Late one afternoon, some fifty miles off the Texas coast, I had an unexpected encounter with God that would forever change my way of thinking about God and the Christian life. Prior to this encounter, I expected, or at least hoped, to experience God when I was “at church” in worship. However, […]

Effective Bible Teaching

Recently, I spent some time with Chad and Leslie, a missionary couple, who have served in both India and China. In both of these nations, the House Church Movement is rocking the communities wherever a House Church is planted. I was curious why the House Church is doing so well there, but is only […]

Bandy, Thomas, Christian Chaos: Revolutions

In Christian Chaos, Tom Bandy gives us a jewel of a book in the tradition of his first book, Kicking Habits. In this book Bandy distinguishes between systems and organization and shows why the system out of which a church functions determines how the church is organized, which also shows why most restructuring in […]