Stop Suffering From Mega Church Envy

We live in a time when the nature of church is changing dramatically.  There are a few very large congregations, but most churches are quite small.  Do I have to be a mega church pastor to be “successful?”

What does it mean to be church in our time?  Let’s be honest.  How do we feel […]

A Church that Lost it’s Spirit – Jorge Acevedo

Video Interview with Jorge Acevedo, turnaround pastor of Grace United Methodist Church


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Acevedo on Team Building
Acevedo: Turnaround Lessons in Year 10


Dealing with C.O.N.F.L.I.C.T. in Your Church

One of the reasons churches don’t grow is because they are conflicted, and they don’t know how to deal with their conflicts. The potential for conflict exists wherever two or more people are gathered and that is just what the church is and does. Church’s experience conflict because of differing ideas and opinions, contrasting […]

Ramp Up Your Digital Media Presence

Over the last couple of years, we have seen a tremendous upsurge of churches going online. Even though thousands of churches were unprepared for the drop off in attendance due to a pandemic, many realized they had to begin implementing a plan to help bounce back.  I believe that by creating an effective digital […]

Hero of Faith

I’ve always been a movie buff and I am a big fan of those Steven Spielberg directed, Indiana Jones movies. My favorite one is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In it the Harrison Ford character is in pursuit of the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus used at the Last Supper.

Near the end of […]

Expo 2016 Handouts

Bill Easum Session 01: Seven Steps to Church Turnaround Bill Easum Session 02: Self-Propagating Church Multiplication Movement Bill Tenny-Brittian Session: Developing Turnaround Leaders…

Frost, The Road to Missional

By Michael Frost

Having trouble understanding what the Missional conversation is all about? If you are having trouble understanding the implications of Missional then you need to read this book. More than any other book on the subject this one lays it all out.  What is best about the book is that toward the end it […]

A VR Reformation

I’ve got a birthday coming up and for years when my wife Debbie would ask me what I wanted as a gift my response was always the same. ”Nutin”. I did elaborate by saying, “I don’t want or need a thing.” And I really didn’t. When she asked me that question this year, I […]

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams Part 2

For the week of March 14, 2005

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams Part 2: The Presence of Fear

By: John Laster

There are three common, interrelated barriers to more effective leadership teams: the absence of a shared DNA, the presence of fear, and a lack of trust within the team itself.

The presence of fear and apprehension has […]