A Lesson in “Getting It”

My wife is currently the pastor of a small church here in Columbia, Missouri (Oakland Christian). It’s a small church, but putting what she knows about church growth, evangelism, follow-up, and leadership development into action the church has recently begun to show growth – especially with the younger adult crowd.

The church’s nursery is in […]

The Worst and Most Avoidable Mistake of Churches

Lousy hospitality seems rampant at churches.  We hate it when we see it in other churches, but we don’t seem to be able to address it in our own.

We live in a time when even churches get rated on the internet.  Of course, word of mouth always has been and always will be the […]

A Church for Every Pastor … and a Pastor for Every Church

I’ve been working with churches and pastors now for more than two decades. During that time I’ve come to know a lot of churches and a lot of pastors. Recently, though, I’ve come to the conclusion that when a church is “looking” to call a pastor, or if a judicatory is looking for a […]

Why I Hate and Love Church at the Same Time

I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to church.  I love the way God designed his church.  I hate the way church often looks when it ceases to be the church God designed.

Do you understand why I say this?  How do you feel about church if you go to church?  How do you […]

The Times They Are A-Changing

Throughout history, especially the last 200 years, everything has constantly and consistently changed. No one would deny that.

However, today, it’s not just that things are changing; it’s that nothing is the same as it was just a few years ago. We aren’t just living in changing times; we are living in a time of […]

Preach Patriotism

On July 4th 2022, the United States of America will be 246 years old.  In relationship with many other countries like Egypt, China, or Greece, America the republic, this experiment in liberty, is very young and yet we stand tall among the nations of the world. We continue to stand because of the principles […]

Shy Is Not a Disability

Let’s start off with a fact. You can’t change introversion. If you get exhausted being around a group of people (every group of people, not just certain ones), then you’re probably introverted. And introverted is “who” you are – it’s a personality trait that you can’t change on a whim.

However, according to lots of […]

Understanding the Basics of Church Accounting: A Guide

Your church’s number one priority is likely furthering its mission, and for good reason. Between creating space for worship, fostering discipleship, serving the community, and keeping your congregation engaged, there are many efforts that keep you busy each day and allow you to make a positive impact.

As you go about all of this great […]

Learning to be an effective listener

There are two sides of the communication coin. Asking good questions is on one side of the coin, on the other is being a good listener. Effective listening will earn the trust of those you engage and will convey your respect for the other who is speaking. Everyone wants to be heard, and we […]