There are Better Places for Kids than “Big Church”

According to the American Religious Identification Survey (from Trinity College, Hartford, CT) the fastest growing religious affiliation growing in North America is the unaffiliated. Called “the church of the nones” by scholars, these are people who were once affiliated with the Christian faith, but have “opted out” of faith. Although many, perhaps even a […]

Pastor and Staff

From Bill Easum

I would say that no matter what the circumstances, unless moral
failure, the loyalty of the staff must be to the senior pastor without
hesitation.  When a staff member cant do that they should leave for
good of the church.

It means never, ever, contradicting whatever the staff decides at the
staff table. it means praying for one […]

I’m a Leader, Now What!

by Michael Mack

This is one of the most helpful, easy to read books on what a small group leader should do I’ve read in a long time and it’s small!

Why Church as Business So Often Fails

Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church’s – or the faith’s – reputation. Too often, spiritual seekers have turned in desperation to the church only to discover that it is embroiled in “business as […]

The Pros and Cons of Membership Follow-Up


In an earlier post, a reader asked if I had thoughts about tracking everyone who attends worship, specifically how to do that. I’ll address the how in a moment, but before I do I want to address the why.

Attendance tracking is, admittedly, a pain. This is true in small churches where the charter members […]

Big Ol’ Post-It Notes

Every now and again, I’ll get a door-hanger hung on my door. Most of the time they’re advertisements for take-out pizza or Chinese. However, once upon a time, there’d be an ad for something a local church was doing. To be honest, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen either. I suspect it’s […]

When Protesting Doesn’t Work

The other day I received a note about the church’s response to the current injustices. The writer shared how he was organizing his church to publicly question police tactics, to be actively involved in legislating change, and to rally in protest. And then he posed what he thought was a politically charged question, thinking […]


The world I grew up in taught there is one way to do everything and one size fits all. That’s the heart of the industrial world of modernity. However, just the opposite is true today. You know that if you own most any kind of software or cell phone. Almost everything today is undergoing decentralization. […]

A Quick Word for United Methodists and Others

I just started reading The Longview by Roger Parrott, and the title of the first chapter caught my attention. It says so much about why United Methodism (along with many other groups) is in deep trouble. The chapter title is “Lead as If You’ll Be There Forever.”  In such a fast-changing world, one of the worst practices […]