Stop Sharing Your Church Newsletter with Visitors – and Other Follow-Up Gaffes

I had a rare Sunday off a couple weeks ago and decided to drop by a local church that I’d never visited. I’d discovered the church on my annual Christmas Light Tour (where I drive aimlessly through random neighborhoods looking for great light displays) and I discovered this church tucked deep inside a neighborhood I’d never […]

The Leadership Process

Every time a leader goes through a church barrier, three changes have to take place in the leader’s life:

Developing a new skill set
Changing his or her value system
Changing the way he or she spends their time.

My partner and I wrote extensively about these three changes in our new book, Effective Staffing for Vital […]

A Rush of Great Books

Sometimes I go several months before running into what I consider to be “great books.” Then out of the blue, several such books will fill my “to read” pile. I thought I would share a few of the books I read this month that I consider to be great books.

Untamed, by Alan and Deb […]

Starting Small Groups

For the week of July 18, 2005

Starting Small Groups

By: Bill Tenny-Brittian

While serving conventional churches, many have experienced difficulty in getting small groups up and running. It might make you wonder what makes it so difficult to get them started. Here are a couple of thoughts, as well as a few suggestions, for getting them […]

Work Towards Role Clarity

Inculating a Shared Leadership DNA

The most common threat to shared leadership DNA in organizations is role confusion among the organization’s various leadership elements. This shows up as an absence of clarity regarding the specific boundaries and functions of the board and the operational management team.   Regardless of the type of organization, it is common […]

How Vile Are You Willing to Be?

I became a Methodist because I read John Wesley during one of my desert periods. As a result I decided to join the United Methodist Church.  But over the years I’ve learned that United Methodists aren’t very Methodist, at least not by Wesley’s standards. We aren’t vile enough. Let me explain.

When Whitefield invited Wesley […]

Longevity in Monarchies and Ministries

At the time of this writing, I have just watched on television the beginning of four days of celebrations honoring Queen Elizabeth ll’s Platinum Jubilee, commemorating her 70 years on the throne. The 96-year-old queen is Britain’s longest-reigning monarch and the first to reach the milestone of seven decades of Royal service.

It got me […]

Contingency Plans

The lights went out during worship last week. All of them. The ones overhead. The platform spotlights. The projector’s bright beam. Even the multicolored LEDs on the sound board went out.

They’d lost power. 

In retrospect, everything turned out alright. There was enough light streaming in through the stained glass windows that most people could both […]

Transformational Fallout

Think you’re going to lead your church successfully through the next growth barrier? You might want to think again – seriously. The success rate for barrier-breaking is less than 20 percent, and if you happen to be in a mainline denomination, your odds just dropped to 10 percent. The real bad news is this (and […]