First Week of the New Year

No matter what, most resolutions are broken before the second week of January rolls around.

Good intentions pave the road to yesterday’s results.

If you’re committed to changing things in your church, now’s the time to begin.

And it all begins with you, pastor.

Here are five-and-a-half practices that guarantee that the end of this year won’t look […]

With Whose Reality are You Living?

But wait, pause, think for a moment before you answer that question with “Well, of course, with my own.”

Many, many years ago one of my mentors was pastoring a very conflicted congregation in which several members had no filters when it came to telling him about how things ought to be and how they […]

A A Lesson in How to Be Hospitable to Strangers

In one of the congregations I worked in last year I ran across a story that had become legendary in that congregation.  It seems as if the pastor had told the story many times so the detailed authenticity of the story is suspect. However, I have learned that some of the most profound truths […]

Democratic Rule

Democratic Rule

By: Bill Easum

Most of my ministry (a span of almost fifty years) has been accomplished within the framework of two denominations whose polity was some form of democratic rule. In other words, to get something done it had to be voted on either by the congregation or a group of elected representatives of […]

Three Lessons for Church Leaders from Daymond John

For some reason, I made it to the airport without my requisite yellow pad of paper. “No problem,” I thought, “I’ll just read and write on my iPad.” Oops … not until I get to 10,000 feet. So on the ascent I leafed through the United Airlines Hemispheres magazine and an interview with Daymond […]



By: Tom Bandy

Do we buy and renovate, rent and redecorate, or build and design? Any of the alternatives might be a good move, but in order to make a decision with integrity, consider three things:

Priority: The order of priority for budget and energy is leadership development, then community development, and then property development. If […]

What is Leadership?

What is the one thing a leader needs the most to succeed? If we have the answer to that question, everything else falls into place. So here goes. The thing most needed for someone to succeed as a leader is a deep conviction that what they are attempting is God’s plan for them at […]

DNA Accountability Part 4

For the week of April 25, 2005

DNA Accountability – Part 4

By: Tom Bandy

Churches need to move beyond discernment of DNA, to using DNA as a primary vehicle for accountability. There are five basic ways to do this. Here is the fourth:

Churches need to shape every team, cell, committee, or mission unit to embody the […]

Why Do You Charge to Help Grow Churches?

Every so often, I get a letter from some irate church member who demands to know why The Effective Church Group charges for our services. This morning, I got this note from a Church Elder in North Carolina who responded to a Facebook ad we ran for the Get More Visitors Checklist (a free […]