Online Church Fundraising: 5 Best Practices To Follow

Churches like yours depend on donations from congregation members to not only make their operations possible but also grow the church and its impact on the community. Seeing as 63 percent of donors prefer to give online, your church should focus its fundraising efforts there.

But in an increasingly digital world, there are many players—from […]

The Heart of a Level 5 Church

The one ingredient a Level 5 church cannot do without is radical discipleship. Raising up radical disciples is the underbelly of the exponential church planting movement. It’s impossible to exponentially plant churches without greatly expanding the breadth and depth of your disciples. So much of the focus of multiplication is on the raising up and […]

Making an Authentic and Effective Leader


The Making of an Authentic and Effective Leader

Convergence 2004 – Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Bill Easum

My studies have shown that almost all authentic and effective leadership are the result of the convergence of four ingredients – their call, preferred leadership style, the context in which they find themselves or choose to be in, […]

Is that a Visitor? Are You Sure?

I suspect we’ve all done it. I’d spotted a new face in the crowd on Sunday morning and I made a beeline to them when the service was done. I introduced myself and asked the fatal question:

Are you visiting this morning?

The visitor’s eyes furrowed and her face flushed slightly, “I’ve been a member of […]

Myth Correction: “I Will Wait for Someone Else to Start Outreach”

I have been a reluctant leader at most points along my leadership
journey. I am a little skeptical of leaders who are too eager to lead.
It seems the best of them are a bit slow to respond to the call that
rests upon their life. The best ones seem to often say No only to later
change […]

Spiritual Leadership

Today’s environment requires leaders to be spiritual directors rather than teachers or CEO’s.

Being a spiritual director is different from being a teacher. Teachers impart knowledge to their students. Spiritual directors walk with fellow travelers on their personal journey of experiencing God, not to impart knowledge, but to assist the traveler in their own discovery […]

The Team Leader for Worship Teams

For the week of May 23, 2005

The Team Leader for Worship Teams

By: Tom Bandy

Many “Track 2” churches launch several options in worship. They grow to a point, and then seem to plateau. Church leaders are wondering what happened. The quality of worship seems good; the diversity of the public seems to connect. But the […]

Summer Slump is Coming

The “summer slump” that many declining churches experience is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Most declining churches actually take actions that lead to a summer slump: they combine worship services and the choir takes the summer off.  No wonder church attendance is down in the summer.

Ever wonder what would happen if your church was a year-round […]

Afghanistan and Declining Churches

I’ve noticed a comparison between what is going on in Afghanistan and what happens in most dying churches.  Dying churches usually have some money saved up.  In fact I have helped close some churches with money in the bank.  The problem is that the leaders will slowly dole out just enough money to keep […]