Winning Streaks

Winning Streaks

By: Bill Easum

I just finished watching the 40th Super Bowl. It was a see-saw battle of momentum. One team had it and then another. You could feel the momentum change on the field and you could see it in the faces of the players on the sidelines. But neither side built momentum to […]

Three Common Contagious Church Viruses: Part 2

“The Church Doctor will see you now.”

“Tell me,” the doctor said, “What seems to be ailing you?”

The church shared her symptoms. Lethargy. Uncontrollable membership loss. And an unmistakeable rumbly in her tumbly.

“It’s most likely one of three common contagious church viruses.”

Capitulation Infection

Capitulation Infection is one of the most contagious and rapidly spreading […]

How Do Great Leaders Unlock the Potential in Others?


How Do Great Leaders Unlock the Potential of Others?

First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers do Differently, Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw

“You cannot build a great team simply by selecting people based on their experiences, intelligence, and determination. Defining the right steps and fixing people’s weaknesses are not […]

The “Magic” of Unspoken Conflict

I received so many responses to my last post on the Top Five Reasons Churches Don’t Grow that I could probably blog a new post on any one of the comments and have almost a month’s worth of writing.

However, a comment from TF brought back a flood of thoughts that I thought I’d share. […]

Four Components of a Winning TEAM

As the Major League Baseball season has recently begun, I’ve been thinking back upon the many seasons that I have played on teams. Now you probably have some fond memories of being on some sort of team. Maybe it was a sports team or a debate team or a choir or a cheer leading […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part IV

Now I realize I didn’t publish my thoughts on “Conversations You Can’t Ignore” in the right order. Here is Part IV.

All three of the movements we’ve examined the past three days (Emergents, Incarnationals, and Organics) are clearly reactions against the traditional Attractional church that waits for the public to come to it instead of […]

A Postmodern Resurrection Story

In one of the congregations I worked in last year, I ran across a story that had become legendary in that congregation. It seems as if the pastor had told the story many times, so the detailed authenticity of the story is suspect. However, I have learned that some of the most profound truths […]

Spiritual Midwives

Tom and I feel that Spiritual Midwives is one of the best metaphors for the type of leadership needed in the 21st century.  This metaphor puts the emphasis not on what the leader accomplishes but what the leader helps others accomplish with their life.

The Spiritual midwife metaphor conveys the following clues for leadership in the […]

Good Beginnings

There’s an old church planting saying that’s stuck with me for decades:

The End is in the Beginning

In other words, if you want the end result to be spectacular, then the beginning has to be designed to support that visionary end.

Unfortunately, many churches and many church leaders are operating under the illusion that if […]