Time Management for Church Leaders

One of top questions we’ve heard during the Only Four Things Grow Churches tour has to do with the allocation of the pastor’s time. When we suggest that a pastor leading a church of under 450 needs to spend between 70 – 80 percent of their time networking with the unchurched, the grumbling becomes […]

Be An Encourager Part 1

As Mother’s Day approaches I have been thinking about what an encourager my sweet mother, Lorraine was to me. From the time I was a small boy she told me that God had great things planned for me and she supported me, sacrificed for me and every day encouraged me in an attempt to […]

The 80% Rule: There’s More to It Than Parking

The church was soooo proud. Their choir loft was shoulder-to-shoulder with sopranos, altos, tenors, baritones, and basses. So they didn’t see the “divide into two choirs” recommendation coming. They sounded so good and full, and wasn’t that the purpose of the choir? But the choir was so overgrown that it could no longer achieve […]

Stetzer, Viral Churches

By Stetzer and Bird

Viral Churches is one of the most important books I’ve read in a long time and could possibly become a church planting classic. It’s message is so simple – “multiply everything.”

The book is filled with myth busting information such as 68% of all church plants are still in existence after four […]

Network TV and Mainline Churches

Mainline churches could take a lesson from what has been and is happening to network TV.

Remember when there were only three TV networks? ABC, CBS, and NBC. They had a monopoly on the television market. Sound familiar, mainline church? Up until the 1960s, mainline denominations had as close to a monopoly on the market […]

Preserving Unity with Multiple Worship Options

For the week of May 16, 2005

Preserving Unity with Multiple Worship Options

By: Tom Bandy

The most common complaint about moving to more than one worship service in a track 1 church is that people feel alienated from their former friends. Their unity seems to be disappearing. The real problem is that the church fails to […]

Learnings from My Coaching

Coaching is on the rise. I’m currently coaching 23 pastors in taking their churches to the next level.  A couple are trying to break the 200-in-worship barrier; two or three are trying to break the 1,000 barrier; and a bunch are trying to break the 500 barrier.  In the last three years I’ve experienced a huge increase […]

The Missional Church – The Comet That Killed the Dinosaurs, or a Knight in Shining Armor?

The 21st Century Strategies Advanced Leadership Forum recently posted this video. Take a moment to watch it below.

It sounds so simple.

But the question is, as always, “How?”

How do you get a church that’s mired in institutionalism, ordained clergy, invitational evangelism, and hobby-based Christianity, to suddenly head out the doors of the church building to do […]

Six Tactical Mistakes Churches Make

By Bill Easum

Over twenty years of consulting with more than 40 denominations has allowed me to see some common tactical mistakes made by church leaders. Although I have seen many mistakes, six stand out as the most common tactical mistakes made by church leaders (I have ranked them according to the damage they can do […]