First Among Equals

We all are familiar with the legend of the boy Arthur who the wizard Merlin prophesized would be the one to pull the magical sword, Excalibur from the stone and become the king. You may even know the part where King Arthur and his knights of the round table set out in search of […]

The Best Pracitices of Kingdom Growth

By Bill Easum

I’ve seen and heard a lot of criticism these days about church growth. It’s as if all of a sudden it’s a four- letter word. That’s strange because everything I read in the Scriptures is about growth- all kinds of growth. And maybe that’s the problem. The critics hear or see the […]

The New Testament Model of Stewardship of Money

The New Testament (NT) model of stewardship is tied not to money but to how people live out their lives.  This article just takes one part of stewardship – money.

The New Testament model of stewardship of money is based not on what you give but on what you keep.  Pledging to a budget is […]

Making a Silk Purse Out of a Sow’s Ear

For the week of July 17, 2006

Making a Silk Purse Out of a Sow’s Ear

By: Bill Easum

Recently, I received two pieces of mail – one in the snail mail and one online. The snail mail article came from a person I’m not sure I know, but the article was from a religion professor at […]

Misdirected Calls

I want to write about something this month that no one wants to talk openly about (people talk to me privately, as you will see later). I know some of my readers will want to de-frock me, string me up, and pour hot tar mixed with feathers all over me, but I got to […]

Ministry in the Age of the Unthinkable

Ever since my book, Dancing With Dinosaurs (1993), where I wrote about the “Crack in history” I’ve been warning people that we are living in a time of radical change. But I was wrong. We’re really living in a time of unthinkable change. Who would have ever imagined 9/11 could happen; or who in […]

The Number One Problem with Western Christianity: McGavran and Disciple Making

We all know 85% of churches in the West are in decline, so I wont go into that other than to say I know the cause for this decline. The number one problem with Western Christianity rests on its misunderstanding of the Church Growth movement and the liberalization of the Western Church. Let me […]

GPS Worship for the 21st Century


GPS Worship for the 21st Century

Convergence 2004 – Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Bill Easum

The metaphors of National Park and Jungle lay an excellent foundation for how effective congregations will approach worship over the next few decades.

Consider the differences between National Parks versus the Jungle. Everything is neatly laid out in the National Park […]

Anti-Terrorism Prescription

My wife (Dr. Kris T-B) and I go on a date on as many Fridays as possible. On our dates we go to lunch and catch a movie matinee. Last week we went to see Joyful Noise, which was a good movie and showed the church and the faith in a positive light (for […]