“Crazy” Busy

If you feel busier now than ever before, and if you wonder if you can keep up this pace much longer, you are not alone. Most of us in ministry feel slightly bewildered, realizing we have more to do than we have time to do it.

In the church we seem to equate busyness with […]

Conversation About Jesus

If you were to have a conversation about Jesus with a non-Christian, what would you say and do?

When was the last time you had a conversation with someone about their relationship to Jesus Christ?

One of the hard pills most church leaders need to swallow and digest is the realization that preaching as we know […]

Being Christian Isn’t Enough

The world “Christian” has too much baggage to be of much use. I remember a person saying back in the 70s that if you were born in the U.S., you were either a Christian or Jew.  To some, being a Christian means going to church or reading your Bible. To others, it simply means doing […]

Thinking Critically About Media

This is a guest post from Leslie LeSieur who is one of the contributing writers for Net Results. The content was so relevant and spot on, I had to share.

Throughout this last year, my oldest child has often declared “I hate COVID!” or “When will it be over?” I know we can all echo […]

Back to Basics: 5 Ways to Increase Your First-Time Visitor Count

There are plenty of explanations why churches aren’t growing today … and frankly, most of what I read has a lot of merit. Culture’s changed. The church hasn’t … or it hasn’t kept up with the changes. Boomers left. Gen-X quit. Pre-Mills never got connected. The Millennials view church as so much yesterday’s yesterday.

On the […]

Build On Your Strengths First

I’m a big fan of the therapeutic model … if you need therapy. But it’s a rare church that needs therapy … and over the years we’ve found that the therapeutic model is seriously hurting a lot of churches.

Let me explain.

In case you’re not familiar with the therapeutic model, it’s the practice generally used […]

Easter Checklist to Grow Your Church

Easter is one of the most attended Sundays of the year. How do we make it an awesome experience for everyone walking through the door, especially for your guests who may be visiting for the first time? Here are some suggestions I have effectively used for attracting, connecting and retaining those who visit.

* Offer […]

Why I Love the Church


Several months ago I wrote an article about my brother-in-law and his church. The title of the article was Is There a Future for Old Military Road Baptist Church? Judging from the feedback I received, it was one of the more helpful articles I have written.

My brother-in-law was dying. He had been battling cancer for about […]

Joseph Jarworsky, Synchonicity

Jarworski, Joseph Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership

(Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1996) 213 pages, $24.95 Hardback. Obtain thru Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, CA 415-288-0260.

Don’t let the first three chapters of this book fool you. This book is a “must” read for church leaders wanting to dream God’s dream or for those who need a […]