Flip Your Church Step 2: Embrace and Embody the Mission

Churches and church leaders committed to becoming missional must build on five principles. The first, modeling the Christian faith, was covered in a previous post. The second pillar of the missional church is, probably unsurprisingly, embracing the church’s mission.

The creation of mission statements really came into its own a couple of decades ago. Since […]

The Five Core Spiritual Habits

Although my book High-Voltage Spirituality is a compendium of forty-eight different spiritual habits (disciplines), in practice I maintain there are five core spiritual habits that provide a foundation for personal maturity and church growth.

And so it was with a mix of horror and relief when I was informed my book High-Voltage Spirituality was going […]

Best Books This Year

After my post yesterday on the best book of the year, I received an email asking how many books I’ve read so far this year. I’m not sure if the email was tongue in cheek or serious, but either way, it is a legitimate question. So here’s the list of books I’ve read so […]

What Every Pastor Should Know about Church Growth

“I just didn’t think it would happen to me.” Those words played hide and seek in my head while I listened to his all-too-common story. Kenneth’s first call to a church had started pretty well. He’d heeded the advice of his seminary professors and spent his first year just “loving on” his congregation and […]

I’m Starting Back

Most of you know I’ve been absent most of July since my wife had a stroke.  But I’m slowly getting back into life and ministry.

This post is twofold: an update on Jan and a comment on the state of affairs in our country.

Jan is progressing more slowly than the therapists would like, but she is […]

On Firing Staff

The more I work with lead pastors the more I realize how hard it is for them to fire a staff person who isn’t performing, isn’t a team player, or is just downright disruptive. Too many pastors put up with so much crap from one or two on their staff that they shoot themselves […]

Tired of Herding Cats?

You probably hear it as often as I do. “Trying to get them organized is like herding cats.” Whether it’s being applied to the stewardship committee, the congregational council, or the local minister’s alliance, it’s an apt simile whenever you come across a pack of individuals who are more interested in getting what they […]