Why Do Baseball Players Spit and Football Players Scratch Their Butts

I’ve been stuck in a hotel with the flu for five days so I have lots of time to ask dumb questions. With nothing to do but sneeze and cough and watch TV, I turned to the Yankees and Red Sox game.  That afternoon, still with nothing to do, I watched  the Colts game […]

Sticky Teams is a Great, Practical Book

Ever so often I read a book and say to myself, “I wish I had written that.”  So it is with Sticky Teams by Larry Osborne. It’s Larry’s best book to date and one of the best  books I’ve read on how to build strong, trusting boards and staffs.  Sticky Teams is a down-to-earth, […]

The Importance of Coaching

Over the years I’ve watched pastors do all kinds of work trying to grow their church.  Many of them have brought in a consultant, myself included, had a thorough examination of their church, and received a clear directive for the future, only to flounder after the consultant left.

It has become clear to me that […]

God Has Given Us a Huge Opportunity

Are you aware there are car dealerships all over the country that are just setting there without any buyers? And they not only have lots of parking, they also have lots of open space, and usually a great location. What an opportunity for church plants ready for their own space or churches ready to […]

Your Legacy is a Who, Not a What

Everyone leaves a legacy of some kind, either good or bad. But what kind of a good legacy has the most impact on making a difference in the world?  A legacy of “who.”

Your legacy is not so much what you leave behind as it is who you leave behind.  Leadership doesn’t depend on how […]

A Second Resurrection Hits Amazon.ca Bestseller List

I just returned from speaking to the Presbyterian Church of Canada.  While I was there I learned from one of the bookseller that my book, A Second Resurrection, made the bestseller list on www.Amazon.ca.

This is good and bad news. Good that this book is selling well, but bad that so many churches are in such trouble that […]


A friend of mine, Rick Melheim, sent me the following and suggested I put it on my blog. It’s worth taking the time to read.
I watched six hours of the “LOST” show, the final episode, and Jimmy Kimmel’s post-show interviews last night and woke to write a piece called “Lost… Without Jesus” at www.richmelheim.com just […]

Jerusalem or Antioch – Which Church Are You?

I just finished writing a book entitled Preaching for Transformation. I used Acts as the text, especially Acts 1:8 where the apostles (“apostles” means “the sent ones” in Greek) were told they would be Jesus’ witnesses throughout the world when the Holy Spirit came upon them. God had a plan for the apostles.  Let’s call that “Plan A.”

Plan […]

Playing Fair When Dancing with Dinosaurs

Before you read this post, please burn into your brain that I was one of the first authors to shoot a warning shot across the bow of the institutional church by questioning its effectiveness and validity. In 1993, I wrote the book Dancing with Dinosaurs, in which I said the present form of institutional […]