Small Group Mistake

The mistake most churches make trying to develop a small group system is that they focus on starting small groups. Instead, they should focus on developing leaders who develop other leaders and release them for ministry. There are a minimum of four levels of leaders needed for such a system to multiply and be […]

Acts of the Apostles

What would happen to your ministry if every year you chose a dozen lay people you felt had potential and spent the year discipling them? What would happen if every paid staff person on your staff did the same?

Suggestions for such an experiment

Begin the time exploring the movement and antics of the church in […]

Leadership Tips

Here are some things I’m seeing and some comments on books I’ve read all of which point up some leadership tips.

Tip One

I continue to see churches that add an indigenous service to their Sunday schedule and in two or three years it is the largest church. I just got an email from Bedford Church […]

Discipleship Teaching or Equipping

Discipleship TeachingΒ or equipping consists of two things – modeling and content. Most people ask me for curriculum for discipling Christians – curriculum = teaching. Even though curriculum is needed, before leaders need curriculum they need to model discipleship in their life and ministry. Modeling is more important than content and content has meaning only […]

Take a Core Team Deep


Take A Core Team Deep

By: Bill Easum

What would happen to your ministry if every year you chose a dozen lay people you felt had potential and spent the year discipling them? What would happen if every paid staff person on your staff did the same?

Suggestions for such an experiment:

Begin the time exploring the movement […]

Focus, Focus, Focus

For the week of November 21, 2005


By: Bruce Cole, lead pastor of Joy! Lutheran Church, G

One of my most important tasks as a lead pastor is to spend time learning from lead pastors who are three to five years ahead of me in terms of how God is molding and shaping the churches they […]

Turn Around Lessons in Year Ten!

After a decade serving and leading in a turn around church, God has taught me several lessons.Β  They keep in spirit with the lessons I wrote about five years ago, but have more focus.Β  Here they are:

The most important life I lead is my own.Β  Self-leadership has pushed itself to the top of my […]

Turnaround Is Messy and Lonely

Turning a church around is a messy and lonely responsibility. I know because I did it three times and each time the early years were depressing enough to damped even the strongest spirit. When you consider where the church is and where it needs to go, attempting a turn around appears to be an […]

Things I learned at the 2011 National Evangelism Workshop

Another one’s in the books and the Nashville NEW 2011 appears to have been a success on many levels. Since many of you weren’t able to make this year’s event, I thought I’d share some of the things I picked up from the event.

One of the highlights was Ed Stetzer’s keynote address. He used […]