Mid-Career Questions

By: Jeff Patton

A friend asked if I could help plan a mid-career sabbatical.  My friend wanted to know the best way to use these months away from a long pastorate (15 years).  After writing these questions down, I thought, “these are critical questions, pretty much on a daily basis.”  So I share them with you.

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Burke, Spencer, Making Sense of Church

Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 2003), 173 pages, paperback, $16.99.  (Obtain from Zondervan, 5300 Patterson Avenue SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49530.)

A really good book, but you have to like reading emails. The book is a combination of emails received on www.theooze.com and Spencer Burke’s comments and dialogue, which are excellent.  Spencer does a good job of debunking the hero […]

Clapp, Rodney, A Peculiar People

(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996) 251 pages, paperback, $14.99. Obtain from InterVarsity Press 630-734-4000. www.ivpress.com

In his pursuit of the church in a post-Constantina, post-modern culture, Clapp lays bare some of the major myths concerning the church and offers us a picture of the church as a way of life. All spectrums of the […]

Durall, Michael, Beyond the Collection Plate

(Nashville, TN, Abingdon Press, 2003), 152 pages, paperback, $16.00.  (Obtain from Abingdon Press, PO Box 801, 201 Eighth Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37202 or www.abingdonpress.com.)

This book offers a very practical look into a biblical approach to stewardship and money. This is not a book about fundraising. You will not find any helpful tactics or gimmicks […]

Brian McLaren, A New Kind of Christian

McLaren, BrianA New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritua

A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey, by Brian D. McLaren, (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishing, 2001), 173 pages, hardback, $21.95. Obtain from Jossey-Bass Publishing, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104-1342, www.josseybass.com

My guess is […]

Erwin McManus, Seizing Your Divine Moment

McManus, ErwinSeizing Your Divine Moment

(Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 246 pages, hardback, $19.99.  (Obtain from Thomas Nelson Publishers, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc., www.ThomasNelson.com.)

What a book!  Every Christian who feels in their gut that there must be more to their faith than they are experiencing should read this book.  Every church leader who knows he or […]

C. Peter Wagner, Churchquake!

Wagner, C. PeterChurchquake!,

Churchquake!, by C. Peter Wagner (Ventura, CA, Regal Books, A Division of Gospel Light, 1999) 276 pages, hardback, $12.99. (Obtain from Regal Books, A Division of Gospel Light, www.gospellight.com)

A book you should beg, borrow, or steal.  C. Peter Wagner sees a new movement of God emerging that he calls the New Apostolic Reformation.  A […]

Classic Worship Leaders and Worship Bands

Music isn’t just a part of worship for today’s generations – it is the primary act of worship. Whereas classic worship services break up songs with other worship tools, such as responsive readings, prayers, etc., successful alternative worship services produce music sets similar to that of a concert, with one song leading directly into […]

An Amazing Fact and How it Plays Out for Churches

This year people will spend 2.1 billion on Easter Candy.  You read that correctly- 21 billion.  Thank what could be done with that amount of money to do good instead of putting pounds on the average person.

So the next time you decide to take a bite of that chocolate Easter bunny think how many […]