More about the Missional Church

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the growing use of the word “missional” to describe the church. I’ve seen so many definitions of the word that it makes my head spin. Still, I offer you another definition in the hopes of simplifying the issue.

A missional church is a baptized community of people called […]

The Missional Hoax?

I began reading seriously about the Missional Church in the 90s with books like God’s Missionary People by Charles Van Engen, and The Continuing Conversion of the Church by Darrell Guder. I resonated deeply with their writings and saw many of the things they wrote about being lived out in my ministry while a […]

Exponential is Coming Up April 19-22

The Exponential Conference has assembled a lineup for 2010 that is as good as any conference I’ve seen in a long time. Opening with Louie Giglio, closing with Francis Chan, including well-known and proven motivators like Ken Blanchard, Mark Batterson, Matt Chandler, Dave Gibbons, Brenda Salter-McNeil, Ed Stetzer, Efrem Smith, Dino Rizzo, Dave Ferguson, Greg Surratt, […]

21st Century Strategies is Now on Facebook- Become a Fan

I am transfering most of my attention from my facebook profile to our 21st Century Strategies page.  Please go to  and become a fan

A Multi-Site Church Road Trip

Leadership Network is doing a blog tour for the new book, A Multi-Site Church Road Trip, by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, and Warren Bird.  I have been asked to participate with the bloggers.  I was asked to submit a question to which the three would respond.

Here is my question to Geoff, Greg, and Warren.

“What […]

Pipeline or Drainpipe Discipleship?

Does your ministry look more like a drainpipe than a pipeline for making disciples?

In a world like today, where more and more people are growing up outside the influence on a church, this could be the most important question you will ever ask if you’re a pastor. So what kind of ministry is a […]

Are You Ready for the Change?

My wife works in a pagan bookstore. She’s one of two Christians who work there – everyone else is Wiccan, polytheistic, or one shade or another of neopagan. (In a related note, the vast majority of those who patronize or work at the bookstore are former Christians who have turned their backs on the […]

Innovation Comes from the Edges

Where does innovation most often occur?  Innovation most often happens on the edges and because of that we need to stay close to those on the cutting edge.

Our NewThing Networks has gone from one network to three networks and doubled the number of churches  in the last year.  And because of our investment in resources and […]

Five Secrets to Getting Volunteers to Perform

The Easter egg hunt should have been a huge success. Over 250 kids showed up and there were young parents by the bushel in attendance. But the pastor was beside himself. “It’s not that we have trouble getting people to volunteer. We had over twenty people say they’d be here to help – but only […]