Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Six: Why It’s Next to Impossible for Mainline Churches

The issue of church multiplication is either a mystery or an unknown to most mainline pastors and denominational leaders. Most of them are simply trying to survive, so the gap between survival and multiplication is wider than the Grand Canyon.

But what would have to happen to make multiplication possible for mainline churches?

There would […]

What Should You Measure

By Bill Easum

I just finished a book by Bill Hoyt titled Effectiveness by the Number (Abingdon) in which he makes one of the most important statements I’ve read to date –“churches are notorious for not being results oriented.” Bingo. There you have it.  Churches tend to just float along not measuring anything other than […]

Too Many Pastors Are Wasting Their Lives: Responses

My recent article “Too Many Pastors Are Wasting Their Lives” must have hit some raw nerves. We’ve had over 16,000 hits on the blog post. Most of them were supportive, but some were downright angry, and many of them missed the point of the article. It’s amazing to me how many people hear what they […]

Member Giving: It Is Your Business

I can’t tell you how many pastors have said to me, “I don’t want to know what my members give. That’s between them and God.”

But the reality is, if you’re the lead pastor, what your members give IS your business. 

When I was a church planter, my trainer asked us, “What is the #1 […]

The Fall and Rise of Dead-Horse Churches

I’m sure you’ve heard the twin adages “Stop beating a dead horse” and “If you find yourself riding a dead horse, dismount.” But what if that “dead horse” is your local church? What if everything you’ve done as a church leader seems to have been for naught? What if you’ve taken your church’s pulse […]

Leadership Roles

Confusion frequently abounds regarding the functional role of the official Leadership Team of the congregation. Congregations and leaders themselves seldom seriously consider the diversity of expectations surrounding the roles of church leadership. Think about the different perspectives present within a congregation regarding how leaders, whether that be the elders, council, pastor, session, board, or […]

A Change to Contemporary Worship

Grace UMC is located in South Central Pennsylvania about 60 miles north of Baltimore,Md. The community of Hanover is growing about 7-8% annually.  Overall population of the community within 10 miles of Grace Church is about 40,000. Grace Church has plateaued in its Sunday Worship attendance for over 15 years at 200 in two morning […]

Measuring Results in Mission Impact (Part 4 of 4)

There are at least five ways to quantitatively measure mission involvement, and at least five ways to measure mission effectiveness.

Measure mission involvement: These measurements are in ascending order of importance … from least significant to most significant.

1)     Property use: How many community organizations completely aligned with your congregational mission use your space during the week?

2)     […]

The Average Pastor’s Achilles Heel

I’ve coached and consulted with hundreds of pastors over the years and I’ve noticed a common thread in the ministry of those pastors who do not do well. The sad thing about this common thread is that it could be eliminated with one simple word. But before I tell you what that one word […]