“Volunteer” is a Dirty Word

By Bill Easum

The words we use denote who we are and how we view the world. Change some of the words you use and you’re on the way to changing the system.

That’s why I hate the word “volunteer.”  To me the word has come to mean “I’ll give you what I want to give […]

The Secret to 21st Century Preaching

I believe that one’s preaching should always be evolving and adapting to the needs expressed through our culture.  We live in a time when the culture says our preaching is irrelevant.  That can’t be allowed to continue.

What is the image of the preaching in your church?  Is it a lecture?  Do people feel “preached […]

The Secret to Finding People Who Don’t Go to Church

Jesus said to “Go!” and make disciples.  But where do we go?

A big issue in contemporary church is that most Christians only interact with other church people.  If you are a follower of Jesus, how many friends do you have who don’t go to church?  Do you need to change that?

I recently did a […]

Addition to Multiplication

If you’re been reading my posts, you know for the past couple of years I’ve been working with an Exponential think tank to examine what they are calling a Level 5 Church. Basically a Level 5 church is one that is committed to multiplication at every level. The heart of the Level 5 Church […]

Beyond Ritual and Stuff

The conversations lately on the listserve had suggested this leadership tip. One of the things that has been helpful to me in my journey is to refocus now and then. Here’s what I mean by that. It is easy over a period of time to buy into ideas and beliefs that really are more […]

Find a Partner, Play to Win – Lives!

On February 1, 2000, my heart pounded with excitement, gratitude and joy, as young, African American students from the Senior High across the street, walked tentatively over to the brick-framed house two congregations had purchased and had been remodeling for months. They were making it into a safe haven for after school activities for […]

A Pastor’s Biggest Mistake

Well, I could list several but one stands out above all the rest – the pastor gets caught up in the church machinery and loses sight of what makes it all go around – building the Kingdom one person at a time.

I’ve watched dozens of church planters get 125 people in worship by focusing […]

Boren, Scott, Making Cell Groups Work

(Houston, TX, Cell Group Resources, 2002) 423 pages, paperback, $14.99. (Obtain from Cell Group Resources, a book-publishing division of TOUCH Outreach Ministries, P.O. Box 19888, Houston, TX 77224-9888 or www.touchusa.org)

Those who are doing cell, house, or small group ministry will find this to be one of the most practical, useful, and complete books on […]

Looking for a Worship Leader?

If you’re looking for a full-time worship leader, which is the number one hire after the lead pastor, there is a head hunting group that specializes in this area. Find them at www.slingshotgroup.net