To Whom Do Teams Report?

From Bill Easum

Ministry Teams report to different people in different size churches. In small church to the pastor. In a large church to a variety of people. Core teams (those you cannot exist without) report to a staff person who also meets with them or stays in close touch with them. Other teams report […]

Dan Tapscott, Growing Up Digital

Tapscott, DanGrowing Up Digital

(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1998), 338 pages, hardback, $22.95. Obtain from McGraw-Hill, 800-262-4729.

This book just made my top ten best list for the 1990’s. I give it four stars. Finally, a book about the millennial generation that makes sense. Tapscott calls them the N-Gen for Net Generation. He uses the dates […]

Tom Bandy, Mission Mover

Mission MoverTom Bandy

“Mission Mover” comes from the heart of a veteran pastor, national denominational leader, seminary educator, and acclaimed consultant with over 30 years experience in mission all over North America and beyond. His heart bursts for young and old, newcomers to Christ and veterans of the church, who long to free themselves from […]

Power of Metaphor


Power of Metaphor

Convergence 2004: Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Spencer Burke

This article is a continuation from last week’s column.

In the book I also rely heavily on metaphor. My co-author, Colleen Pepper, and I illustrate the shifts happening in the church by suggesting new metaphors. This too, challenges the tell-assertive person’s way of knowing.

One of […]

My Blog: Now You See It; Now You Don’t

For some reason recent articles on my blog have disappeared. I know that because several of you have emailed me asking where to find certain posts that are no longer on the blog.

We had a worm in the transferring of our servers from one location to another so we guess that is what happened.

It’s […]

Four Reasons for Multiple Services

In the January, 1991 issue of GROWING CHURCHES John Vaughan pointed out that most growing churches are multi-congregational churches. An estimated eighty five percent of fast growing churches are in multiple services on Sunday, some even have Saturday night services.(1)

Ours is one of those churches. We have recently started our sixth and seventh weekend service. The […]

Multiplication Ripples

I’ve been writing a lot about church multiplication because I believe it is the way Jesus would want us to lead our churches. At the heart of multiplication is the shift from an addition culture of gathering and accumulating to a multiplication culture of releasing and sending. In other words: starting self-propagating churches that […]

Weddings, Counseling


From Bill Easum in response to many posts

Don’t take this wrong but why are so many of you requiring yourself to do so much counseling?  Sounds as if some of you are investing more time in this than in reaching the unchurched, never churched and dechurched.  The more you insist on you doing three sessions with […]

Youth Aren’t the Future of Your Church

Today, I’m going to address two more of the top six tactical mistakes churches make. Keep in mind these aren’t criticisms. They are, like the blog says, observations. I’ve worked in almost 1,000 churches in the past twenty years. I know that doesn’t make me an expert but it does give some credibility to my observations.
When […]