Ensuring Growth by Rick Warren

How do you structure a church so it just keeps on growing and doesn’t plateau? I believe there are ten essentials you must focus on as you structure your church.

1. You must develop an unshakable conviction about growth.

First and foremost, you need to settle on the idea that God wants his church to grow. […]

It’s Hard to Believe

It’s hard to believe how stupid and un-Christian so-called Christians can be.  The pastor, Terry Jones, who burned the Koran today, ought to be kicked out of the church. No mercy for an idiot of his kind who presumes to be called by God.  Shades of the Crusades.  This man needs to be defrocked. […]

When Asked “What Is Missional,” What Do You Say?

The other day in a seminar a middle-aged woman asked me to define what I meant by the Missional Church. I quickly replied, “A missional church is organized around mission.” Mission is their organizing principle.  A missional church doesnt have a Missions Committee; it is a mission. Missions ins’t one program among many; it is […]

9/11 Ten Year Anniversary

Coming up in September we will celebrate (if that is the proper word for it) the 10th anniversary of the fateful day of 9/11.  If there was any doubt that the world has fundamentally changed, 9/11 should settle that.

Now the real question is, what are you planning in the way of a celebration that […]

Exponential 2011

I will be at Exponential 2011 this year on all three days for four workshops.  If you plan on being there, it would be great to connect. Just email me and let me know.

Exponential is one of the largest gatherings of church planters on the planet.  It delivers quite a punch over three days.  If […]

Essentials for Breaking Worship Barriers: Part One

Over the next few days, I will be blogging on the essentials to breaking the following worship barriers – 200, 500, 1000, and 1500 people in worship.  Today I will begin by listing the essentials for breaking 200.

Breaking the 200 in Worship Barrier.

A full-time worship leader who functions also as a pastor to those […]

Multi-Site – Trend or Fad???

Last week I was in Eugene Oregon at Wayne Cordeiro’s farm working with Leadership Network.  There were two other mentors like Wayne and myself along with around 20 25-35 year old pastors.  All of them were outside of the mainstream, were leading growing churches, and were multi site or were getting ready to go […]

1954-Jerusalem or Antioch

It marked the beginning of a profound cultural shift and the gradual end of five hundred years of modern history known as “Modernity.” It caused polite society to blush in anger and teenagers to dance with joy. It went virtually unnoticed by church leaders even  though it was to have a profound effect on Christianity.
May 10, 1954, […]

Three Great Books this Summer

My reading this summer hasn’t produced a lot of excellent books, but it has produced three excellent books that are worth purchasing.

Perhaps the best book of this summer and perhaps this year is The Age of the Unthinkable, By Joshua Cooper Ramo

If you’re ready to stretch your brain and learn from a wide variety […]