Another Myth Buster – “We Are Becoming Two Churches”

Your response to my blog post “Looking for Myth Busters” has been good.Β  In fact, I have received more personal email than responses on my blog. Here is one response by email that adds one more critical myth that we need to deal with: Β “WE’RE NOW TWO CHURCHES SINCE WE STARTED THAT #@%$@ CONTEMPORARY […]

What Every Pastor Should Know about Church Growth

“I just didn’t think it would happen to me.” Those words played hide and seek in my head while I listened to his all-too-common story. Kenneth’s first call to a church had started pretty well. He’d heeded the advice of his seminary professors and spent his first year just “loving on” his congregation and […]

The Third Core Spiritual Habit: Intentionally Encouraging Other Christians

I’m a big advocate of “one-anothering”, perhaps because it was practiced so effectively in the early church. One-anothering is how Christians are called (and expected) to treat each another – at least from a New Testament perspective.

In the Gospels, Jesus gave us five love directives: (1) love God; (2) love our neighbors; (3) love […]

Great Leadership Part Two

A lot of pastors feel it’s inappropriate to use power, even if it might cause something good to happen. Great leaders aren’t afraid to use power for the corporate good. They know that in the absence of strong leadership, someone steps in to exercise power. They know what normally happens when leaders fail to […]

Giga Churches

1n 2007, 36 U.S. churches average over 10,000 people each week, putting them in a category called β€œgiga” churches. Bill Easum was the first to use this term in an interview by the Washington Post.

Also, the fastest growing churches are those over 5,000 in worship; in other words the biggest churches are getting bigger.

On […]

Holy Smoke: Finances

Clif Christopher, Horizons.

In this next seminar I will be discussing the impending crisis in financial stewardship that I believe has come and is still to get worse. At the same time, we will discuss ways that we can position ourselves to not fall victim to the gloom and doom. The primary text for our […]

Reproductive Movements

By BIll Easum

At the very time when many voices are pronouncing the end of the institutional church and the rise of the emergent church, we’re witnessing the birth of three major reproductive movements – church planting, multi-site, and raising up leaders- all of which have the potential to turn around the decline of Christianity […]

Collecting Personal Stories

One of the major ways to convey the gospel is through the use of personal stories in worship to support the theme for that day. Nothing is as powerful as personal story.

1. Hand out a fill-in-the-blank testimony sheet each Sunday and ask those whose life has been changed to fill in their story. Then […]

The Strategies that Grow Churches

Only Four Things Grow Churches

I’m fond of reminding church leaders that only a few things grow churches, but there are literally thousands of things that keep churches from growing.

When it comes to growing churches, you can do one of two things. You can focus on trying to fix what’s broken so that you end […]