The Spiritual Leadership of the Board

For the week of March 28, 2005

The Spiritual Leadership of the Board

By: Tom Bandy

Most churches underestimate the importance of the board members as “spiritual leaders”. Board members are often elected or appointed because of specific skills (teaching, finance, property management, etc.). However, as management responsibilities are delegated to a trusted, gifted few, it becomes […]

The First Core Spiritual Habit: Pick up and Read

The first and typically most transformative spiritual habit is, surprisingly, scripture reading. I’m fond of saying “I’m a scientist’s son and a mainliner at heart,” so when I tell church leaders that if they’ll just start reading scripture regularly their lives will be transformed, they sometimes look at me as if I was from […]

Three Easters a Year through Double Day

Most worship growth comes in spurts rather than in increments. So it’s important to have two or three major pushes a year designed to grow your church forward in a significant way.

When I was pastor, I tried to plan for two or three Easters a year.   We called them “Double Days.” We would do […]

You Can Do Better Than PowerPoint

I don’t tend to do blog posts that say, “Yeah, what he said,” but this is a rare exception. Seth Godin writes a business blog that I subscribe to. I started following him when he said some things about PowerPoint presentations that I found to be true in the church… that is, that most of […]

Mission Statements That Inspire

I read a lot of Mission or Vision statements from a lot of different churches.  Most of them don’t turn me on and if they won’t turn me on there is a good chance they won’t turn on anyone other than churched people. They are mostly:

·  too churchy – using words that are familiar only […]

Management Skills

They didn’t teach me management skills in seminary.  I wish they had, because as the leader of a church, I needed them badly and it’s a shame I had to learn them on my own.  So I thought I would pass on some pointers.

Pointer One:  If you can’t measure it, it will not succeed.  […]

The Primacy of Preaching Part Two

Following my reading of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ classic book, Preaching and Preachers, I want to address one of the most common objections to most of his conclusions.  Many people respond to Lloyd-Jones by simply saying it’s no longer 1950. And that’s right; it isn’t. But here is his response in my own words.

His approach is […]

Developing Christ-like Leadership (Part 1)

If you are a Christian, then your ultimate goal is to become like Jesus Christ. God has given us the Holy Spirit to live in us to help us grow to become more like him. If we want the Spirit to grow in us, we must join our life to his so we can […]

Stop Playing Pastor Fetch

🎶 Oh the games churches play now. 🎶

If you’re old enough to remember that old Joe South song (well, the original version anyway!), then you’ve been in ministry long enough to be familiar with the most popular game churches play with the pastor.

I call it pastor fetch.

I learned about pastor fetch early on […]