Faith in a World Gone Mad

I think we would all agree that the world has gone mad. We may not agree on what’s causing this madness or what to do about it, but if you follow the news it’s impossible to get around this fact – the world has gone mad. From politics to the national debt, to the […]

No One Left Behind

I was watching one of “those” movies the other day. In this case, the space ships were flying and the ground troops were storming the asteroid. Suddenly reinforcements for the axis of evil show up and the good guys have to regroup and retreat to fight another day. Except one of the ground troops […]

Why Churches Don’t Change

When a young man came to Jesus seeking eternal life, he was told what he needed to do to change. Remember how he reacted? He walked away sad. Jesus then responded to the crowd that had gathered, “And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye […]

For the Good of the Many

Anyone who knows me well knows that I’m a bit of a Trekkie… but not a huge fanatic by any means (I started watching when Kirk started his career and quit when Picard retired). You know, you can learn a lot about leadership watching Star Trek, both how to lead effectively and how not […]

Bridging the Generational Technology Gaps

This post is Part 2 of Bridging the Generational Technology Gaps. The first part (here) examined the different generations. In this post we’ll look at some specifics on bridging the gaps.

Before I start, it bears reminding you that there is more to targeting the generations than just tweaking your technology. And though this post […]

Stewardship in the Christmas Spirit

Bill Easum

I remember as a child seeing the large red Santa standing by the large black kettle. Santa rang a bell, inviting people to throw money into the big pot. I didn’t know anything about the Salvation Army then. I had never been to church except on one or two Easters. So I always […]

Quantum Physics and Leadership

In Modernity humans were the great observers.  What we saw and how we interpreted it became fiat law – even if it was wrong.  The world was flat; the world was round. The earth was the center of the universe; the earth is merely a pebble in a pond. Everything revolved around the earth; […]

Effective Multi-Generational Worship Demands New Thinking

Planning on reaching the younger generation with today’s common worship tools? In the words of Seth Meyers, really?

Beginning in 1950, each new generation has been raised within a learning paradigm that is significantly different from the one before it. Those born prior to 1950 may be called the “Radio Generation.” Their learning paradigm is […]

We’re All Missionaries

Dan Kimball just finished his coaching session for 21st Century Strategies. His message- We shouldnt ask people to join the church; we should ask them to join a mission. His membership class teaches what does it mean to be serving on mission. He then lays hands on every new participant who has gone through […]