Prayer for People Who Can’t Sit Still

My wife is a contemplative. I watch her pray and I have to wonder how she does it. Her eyes close, her face gets a serene, contended look on it, and she sits there. And sits there.

Get help with your “Can’t sit still” prayer life.

She doesn’t move.

She doesn’t speak.

She just sits there listening and […]

The Three Most Important Rooms in a Church

I tell churches all the time that the three most important rooms in a church building are the worship center, restrooms, and nursery. Most churches don’t understand the importance of these rooms. How do I know this? By simply looking at the way most churches take care of these three rooms. In far too […]

Measuring Results (Part 1 of 4)

Understand that you are always measuring something … even if you do not know it. Most churches measure harmony, financial stability, membership. So long as there are no complaints, the church is in the black, and membership is at least stable, they feel they are a “success” (particularly in a religiously indifferent culture).

Your mission […]

It’s Not About the Better Burger

At about the time I started my first church, I read a book targeted for the business world entitled, The E Myth by Michael Gerber. In it, the author states that 85% of new businesses fail in their first year and then over 80 percent of those that survived the first year will close […]

Killers that Stunt Your Personal and Organizational Growth

Turn around or growth are usually the result of some action taken by the leadership.

Usually its not the little changes that kill a church, but the big changes that go untried.  Either leadership is afraid of these BIG changes or they can’t even imagine them.  Either way, nothing is deadlier than ignoring the BIG […]

The “New” Evangelism

In December, my new book on Evangelism will be released by Chalice Press. Hitchhiker’s Guide to Evangelism takes a peek at the “new” evangelism needed for reaching today’s world. Let’s face it, if the ways we do evangelism were really working, our churches would be filling up. But that’s clearly not the case. Indeed, […]

The Secret to a Memorable, Life-Changing Sermon

Startling Statistic: By Wednesday afternoon, your congregation remembers 10 percent or less of what you preached. That’s according to an Air Force study some years ago (and I can assure you, our attention spans and memories have not improved since then).

Sad Story: I was having breakfast with a church leader on Monday some years ago. I was […]

Try This for Finding Church Visitors

Last weekend, about 15% of Americans were a part of Christian worship.  If you are a Christian leader, that should be enough to get you motivated.

Many church leaders weren’t trained for what ministry looks like today.  The bottom line: Could you use more visitors in your church?  If so, let’s get started.

Some years back, […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part One

There’s a new movement underfoot in the West that just might stem the tide of Western Christianity’s decline. Although it’s too soon to share the details (that will be done next year in a book from Exponential), what I can tell you now is that it will turn the value system of most Western […]