Making Motherā€™s Day Special In Your Church

I saw a post on Facebook this week that reminded me of a very practical church growth principle. The image said, ā€™The best gift you can give your Mother for Motherā€™s Day is to sit with her in church.” Behind only Christmas and Easter, Motherā€™s Day brings the third highest attendance each year. People […]

Build On Your Strengths First

I’m a big fan of the therapeutic model … if you need therapy. But it’s a rare church that needs therapy … and over the years we’ve found that the therapeutic model is seriously hurting a lot of churches.

Let me explain.

In case you’re not familiar with the therapeutic model, it’s the practice generally used […]

Defusing the Conflict Time-Bombs

One of the little-known facts about me is that once upon a time in the Air Force I was in munitions’ maintenance and transportation ā€“ in other words, I played with bombs. I was trained to work with conventional and non-conventional munitions (bombs, bullets, rockets, and missiles) and I had a pretty good understanding […]

Butts and Bucks

For years, I’ve heard progressive church leaders decry the emphasis on numbers, especially average worship attendance and member giving. Like virtually every church consultation firm, we get accused and badmouthed for our continued insistence that the churches we work with provide us with their numbers for the previous ten years.

Numbers like:

Average worship attendancePer […]

The Fifth Core Spiritual Habit: Personal Faith Sharing

The fifth core spiritual habit shifts the focus from ourselves and the church, and puts it where it ultimately belongs ā€“ on others.

Jesusā€™ last commandment was to make disciples and to be a witness to what weā€™ve experienced in Jesus Christ (as opposed to what weā€™ve experienced in the church). In general, the church […]

Faith in a World Gone Mad

I think we would all agree that the world has gone mad. We may not agree on whatā€™s causing this madness or what to do about it, but if you follow the news itā€™s impossible to get around this fact ā€“ the world has gone mad. From politics to the national debt, to the […]

Making Motherā€™s Day Special

I saw a post on Facebook that reminded me of a very practical church growth principle. The image said, ā€™The best gift you can give your mother for Motherā€™s Day is to sit with her in church.” Behind only Christmas and Easter, Motherā€™s Day brings the third highest attendance each year. People who havenā€™t […]

Growing One Micro-Culture at a Time

The New Testament model of church growth had little to do with converting individuals or assimilating members. It was all about reaching micro-cultures for Christ. A micro-culture is a definable, describable demographic or lifestyle segment. The apostles targeted Ephesus, Corinth, Philippi,Ā and other cities ā€¦ and then different neighborhoods, economic and professional groups, and so […]

Grow Your Church on Mothers Day

I saw a post on Facebook this week that reminded me of a very practical church growth principle. The image said, ā€™The best gift you can give your Mother for Motherā€™s Day is to sit with her in church.ā€

Behind only Christmas and Easter, Motherā€™s Day is the third highest church attendance day each year. […]