Developing Spiritual Maturity (Part 3)

Luke 2:52 tells us that during his time growing up, Jesus developed in four ways.

He developed in wisdom – intellectual development.

He developed in stature – physical development.

He developed in favor with God – spiritual development.

He developed in favor with man – interpersonal development.

A full human life is well balanced. Thus, it was important to […]

Postmodern Definition

Bill Easum’s definition of Postmodern: Someone one who has grown up outside of the Christendom and who was mentored more by their peers than their parents. Although this is not an exhaustive definition, it does explain why many young adults who grow up in the church are really products of Modernity more than Postmodernity. […]

Is It The End of Contemporary Worship?

One of my coaching clients called me the other day and asked if I’d read an article by Jonathan Aigner about the end of contemporary worship. I confessed I hadn’t. This particular coaching client is a church planter and the core congregation she’s working with are predominantly life-long mainliners who were raised in church back […]

Giga Churches

1n 2007, 36 U.S. churches average over 10,000 people each week, putting them in a category called “giga” churches. Bill Easum was the first to use this term in an interview by the Washington Post.

Also, the fastest growing churches are those over 5,000 in worship; in other words the biggest churches are getting bigger.

On […]

Your Investment Portfolio

Take the next couple of minutes and peruse your investment portfolio. How are things going? Is your stock going up or down, or is it stagnant? In your whole portfolio, which is the most important investment you’re making?

Oh, wait. I’ll bet you’re thinking I’m talking about Dow Jones and the S&P 500. Nope. I’m […]

The Second Core Spiritual Habit: Listening Prayer

Those who read my previous post may have been surprised that I suggested scripture reading may be the most transformative spiritual habit. I’m sure there are those who would argue that prayer offers more opportunities for the Spirit’s injection into our lives. However, so long as the average prayer is a monologue, it’s unlikely […]

Superhero Worship

Last weekend I took one of my grandsons to the movies to see the latest block-buster hit Avengers: Infinity Wars. I am told it had the biggest opening of any movie ever and that it is approaching two billion dollars in ticket sales. The movie features seemingly every one of the Marvel Comic book […]

Leap of Faith

One of my favorite movies is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In it Harrison Ford’s character is faced with difficult trials in order to regain the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus used at his last supper. One of the tests he has to endure is to make a seemingly impossible leap across a […]

Rechurching the Unchurched

I just finished reading a draft to endorse George Barna’s new book Rechurching the Unchurched. Not the best title, but one that aptly describes the book. It has some very interesting facts drawn from his two years of research with the unchurched. I thought I would share a few of the ones I found […]