A Guest-Friendly Website

Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church’s website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just-right blog post. So I thought I’d share it here. A tiny bit of this is pretty technical, but even a novice will find some tips to help tighten up their site. (BTW, we do […]

18 Years to Win Gold

Last night the Chinese couple Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won an Olympic gold medal in the pairs free program figure skating competition. That’s a major accomplishment. But when you realize they had been skating for the gold for 18 years and both were in their 30s, it’s close to miraculous.

As I listened to the announcer, […]

Tough Questions

I received a post from person on our advanced leadership forum inquiring what questions he should ask while at a search committee interview for a new church position as lead pastor. Here is what I said.

What is their vision for their church?
How many pastors have they had in the last 20 years?
Why did […]

National Park

The last twenty years of North American culture has been moving from what I call a National Park world to a world that can only be described as a Jungle.

Consider the following comparisons:

National Park

•       Are neatly laid out
•       Predictable and slow to change
•       Warn you about dangers animals
•       Provide adequate shelter
•       National parks change […]

You Can’t Feed the Soul if You Don’t Feed the Body

It seems my article “Six Tactical Mistakes Churches Make” hit a cord. Several commnents have been made both on and off my Blog.  One of the most important comments came from Matthew:  “How would you “combine evangelism and social justice into the fabric of the church?” Help me understand what that would look like.”

Here’s my response:

Matthew, this […]

What is the Secret to Effective Worship?

I am driven by the terrible fact that only about 15% of Americans worship as Christians on a given weekend.  This consumes me.  In a country where we are free to worship, why do so many refrain?

What about you?  Are you like me?  Are you distressed by our worship reality?  Do you wonder how […]

David C. Korten, When Corporations Rule the World

Korten, David C.When Corporations Rule the World

(Kumarian Press) is one of the most important books of 1995. His theme is that we are entering a time when global expansion makes it easier for corporations than governments to rule the world. He cites numerous examples of corporations lining up to do so. Their argument is […]

Stop Developing Leaders, Get More Ministry Done, and Grow Your Church

The lack of leadership is one of the top reasons pastors and other church leaders point to for why their church isn’t growing. “We need more leaders to get the job done. Our current leadership is tired and overworked.”

When quizzed about what they’re doing to raise up more leaders, the answers tend to include […]

Is Targeting an Exclusionary Tactic?

I’m in the midst of a fantastic conversation with a pastor of the Reformed persuasion and the topic of targeting worship for particular demographics, micro-cultures, etc. came up. He suggested that some consider targeting to be less than okay and that he “resists” the target terminology.

That’s not an uncommon notion in the church today. […]