Congregational Trust Building

Take a good look around at your next church board meeting. Listen to the questions and the comments. Look at the faces. More importantly, though, look at the body language.

What does it tell you?

If you’re like many church leaders, you might conclude it’s a pretty grim scene with a lot of crossed arms, rolled […]

Do You Measure Up?

How you measure up as a leader is largely determined by what it is you measure. It turns out, one of the differences between an average leader and a great leader can be found by looking at what they put on their spreadsheets.

Actually, that’s a bit misleading. Most of the important measurements don’t actually fit […]

You Reflect Yourself Better Than You Think

I’m in the final throes of writing a recommendation report for a congregation I did a consultation with. While making a recommendation for the church to better define their values, I got distracted by discussing the difference between one’s beliefs and one’s values. I’ve long said that beliefs drive values and values drive beliefs, […]

Church of Tomorrow – Invested and Committed

My wife and I just completed a trip that we wanted to do since we were kids.  We went to Alaska, land of 10,000 blogs (BTW – Alaska has 3 million lakes; sorry Minnesota).

The first part of the trip was a cruise up the inside passage.  There’s a reason that you are told to […]

How Christians are Called to Curb Racism, Gun Deaths, and Cure All the Rest of Our Social Ills

There was another terrible gun tragedy yesterday. This time, though, the Facebook posts have been slightly different. Yes, there are still the politicos who demand full disarmament on the one side and arming every man, woman, and child (with careful screening and gun safety training) on the other. And there was the typical pouring […]

Three Hard Choices Effective Leaders Make

Effective church leadership is the most glamourless, thankless, and frustrating job on the planet.

I make that emphatic statement based on two observations. First, I’m unaware of any other sector, profit or non-profit, that is seeing 85 percent of all operation centers facing serious decline – and the leaders of course are shouldered with the […]

Why Some Churches Grow and Others Do Not

We believe every pastor wants to enable their church to thrive and reach its potential. We want to help you do just that.

We’ve noticed something along the way. Successful pastors have different belief systems and do things differently than unsuccessful pastors. One can believe all he or she wants to, but if it isn’t […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 03 – Introduction

The whole point of our Dinosaurs to Rabbits book is to help spur our colleagues in the Mainline Church to get serious about transforming the church into a multiplication monster (a good kind of monster!). But the heart of the matter is that in our experience, the Mainline Church has lost its heart for making disciples […]

Don’t be like Larry

Of all the commercials that aired on the last Super Bowl broadcast, one stood out to me.  Larry David, the famously crotchety actor known for Curb Your Enthusiasm and his creative partnership with Jerry on “Seinfeld”, plays his cynicism for laughs by mocking humanity’s great innovations. The wheel, he declares, is “a miss.” He […]