New Year, New You

And by “new you” I mean “new congregation.”

With over 85 percent of all churches in North America either in decline or on a plateau (and those on a plateau are generally those on the precipice and about to go over the cliff of a decline), a makeover of your congregation is probably in order.

With […]

Changing a Congregation’s Ethos: Not an Overnight Job

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth.

Too many church members, and indeed too many churches, carry an attitude of entitlement rather than commitment. They act as if they’ve paid their admission price and now the rest of the church has to coddle and cow-tow to their every […]

Stetzer, Viral Churches

By Stetzer and Bird

Viral Churches is one of the most important books I’ve read in a long time and could possibly become a church planting classic. It’s message is so simple – “multiply everything.”

The book is filled with myth busting information such as 68% of all church plants are still in existence after four […]

5 Ways You Make Your Guests Feel Comfortable

Church visitors come and church visitors go. And most of the time, it’s just like that. In a typical North American church, less than 15 percent of all first-time visitors ever return. Over the years, I’ve spoken with hundreds of business owners and every one of them has agreed – if they only retained […]

Response to Yesterday’s Brain Twister on Facebook

Thanks to the dozens of you who attempted to answer the brain twister posted on Facebook. Although no one got all of the elements correct, many of you got at least part of it right. So let me share with you what I would want to tell this church. I’ll summarize it for our use […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Introduction – Chapter 06

I forget who first said it but “culture eats strategy every time.” Church culture is the intersection of vision, values, narrative, leaders, and practices that characterize and guide an organization as shown in the graphic.

The reason any kind of major change is so difficult and takes so long is because of culture. A church’s […]

Church, Essential Ingredients

From Bill Easum

We are often asked to boil down to a bare understandable minimum the essential characteristics of a biblical congregation.

Driven by a clear mission (DNA) that is imprinted throughout the life of the congregation. E very church has the same DNA – to carry out the Great Commission. Of course, every DNA […]

Why Most Church Consultations Don’t Make a Long-Term Difference

We at 21st Century Strategies have been doing church consultations for over twenty-three years and we’ve had the opportunity to study why some churches thrive after a consultant has done their job and why other churches fail. Conversations with other church consultants reveal a lot of the same data. Here’s the bottom line: for […]

I Won the Lottery!

I won the United Kingdom National Lottery the other day, at least that’s what the email said, and suddenly realized I don’t have to work anymore. I won £891,934 pounds sterling. I can do anything with my life that I want to do. Fishing with Bill Easum in Guatemala, skiing in Aspen, or be […]