When Protesting Doesn’t Work

The other day I received a note about the church’s response to the current injustices. The writer shared how he was organizing his church to publicly question police tactics, to be actively involved in legislating change, and to rally in protest. And then he posed what he thought was a politically charged question, thinking […]

What Every Pastor Should Know about Church Growth

“I just didn’t think it would happen to me.” Those words played hide and seek in my head while I listened to his all-too-common story. Kenneth’s first call to a church had started pretty well. He’d heeded the advice of his seminary professors and spent his first year just “loving on” his congregation and […]

Holy Smoke: Finances

Clif Christopher, Horizons.

In this next seminar I will be discussing the impending crisis in financial stewardship that I believe has come and is still to get worse. At the same time, we will discuss ways that we can position ourselves to not fall victim to the gloom and doom. The primary text for our […]

Be a Thanksgiver

Roy Lessin, Co-founder, DaySpring Cards in his devotional book Meet Me in the Meadow, shares this encounter he had when he was paying his utility bill.

“One day, while paying my electric bill, I decided to thank the company for the service they were providing me. “Thanks for my electricity,” I said, “It’s really quite […]

Collecting Personal Stories

One of the major ways to convey the gospel is through the use of personal stories in worship to support the theme for that day. Nothing is as powerful as personal story.

1. Hand out a fill-in-the-blank testimony sheet each Sunday and ask those whose life has been changed to fill in their story. Then […]

The Sad State of Discipleship in the U.S.

Only 20 percent of Christians are involved in any kind of discipleship activity, according to the Barna report that just came out. Unfortunately, making disciples is the number one job of every Christian, not just of the clergy.

Jesus didn’t mince words. Some of his last words were, “Go make disciples of all people groups.” […]

Turning Members into Ministers

At my final worship service from the church I planted, pastored and grew for over twenty years, two of the staff members I had discipled since they started attending, walked on to the platform each carrying a five foot tall, three feet wide cardboard poster of my head. From behind these giant facial facades, […]

Living with and Ministering to a Stroke Victim

I’m sure some of my acquaintances will tell me I shouldn’t have written this article. They may be right but I feel compelled to share it because it might help someone.  Isn’t that what Christians are supposed to do? I want to help anyone who has a relationship with a spouse who has had a […]

Coaching Christ’s Winning Team

As we bid farewell to the Super Bowl (and hello to the XFL!) I am reminded that leading a church is very much like coaching a football team. The playing fields may be different, but you’ll find some things in common between playing in a football game and helping your people succeed in the […]