A Life Worth Watching

Bill Easum

In the first few centuries A.D., Christians relied on the inner character of their leaders to determine the truth of what was being taught. They didn’t have a formal set of Scriptures to guide them, so when confronted with what might be heresy, they would ask which of their teachers had been taught […]

No Visitor Left Behind: The Ultimate Guide to Guest Engagement

Introduction: The Invisible Visitor Dilemma

We’ve all heard the stories—people walk into a church, hopeful and a little nervous, only to walk out feeling like they were completely invisible. They might have received a polite “Good morning,” but what they didn’t get was a meaningful connection. And that’s a problem. Why? Because a church isn’t […]

How to Develop a Meaningful Women’s Bible Study Group

Do you feel called to lead a women’s Bible study? Are you unsure of how to get started? 

You don’t have to have years of ministry leadership under your belt to serve the women in your community through a Bible study. But to foster a meaningful experience for participants, there are a few things you […]

Be a Mentor and Be Mentored

The word “mentor” is defined as “a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.” Throughout my over 30 years of pastoral ministry, I have had many trusted teachers who have counseled me, encouraged me, corrected me and redirected when I had made some poor decisions. In similar fashion I have made it a point […]

A Not-so-Random Thought on Epiphany

We’ve all heard the tired adage bounced around each year that “Wise Men Still Seek Him.” It almost seems like a good sermon title. Almost.

The question we need to ask ourselves is whether or not that’s a valid statement in these post-modern, post-Christendom days. Are wise men and women still seeking the Jesus of […]

Community Team Reproduction

Leadership Team Field Exercise 5: Blessing Time

From “Gaining Traction” (Chalice Press, 2007)

At least once a month, randomly pick a team member to “sit in the hot seat” and be the focus of a short blessing time at the end of a meeting. One way to structure this is to put the names of everyone on your team in a bag. […]

Following Jesus into the Mission Field

Those who follow my writing know I believe we are living in a pivotal period of history in which everything that will be is being separated from everything that was. In such a traumatic period, all the rules of the game of life are called into question.
Christianity and the Scriptures are the result of […]

Evangelism: Practical and Effective Evangelism in Today’s Church